In The News

Sarah Palin to Headline RightOnline 2012

June 15-16th

Andrew Breitbart may have left us, but former Governor of Alaska and Tea Party stalwart, Sarah Palin, will be there to rally the troops at Right Online in Las Vegas on June 15th.  She will certainly energize this gathering of conservative bloggers and media types as they prepare for war against the Obama agenda.  The story was picked up on Politico which states:

This year’s meeting is focused on higher-level tactics and strategies than past year’s editions of Right Online, which sometimes had the feel of a crash course on blogging 101. The Vegas conference features training on video exposes to be conducted by guerrilla video journalist James O’Keefe, a session on polling featuring conservative’s favorite pollster Scott Rasmussen and a session moderated by columnist Michelle Malkin entitled “How to Use Facebook & Twitter to Win,” which will include instruction on using social media to drive narratives. It’s an area in which Palin can rightly be considered a pioneer, having mastered a high-impact, communication style that almost completely circumvents a traditional media from which she’s sometimes gotten rough treatment.

(that’s quite an understatement.)

AFP also released a press release today:

AFP Foundation President Tim Phillips said, “Sarah Palin is an expert
at harnessing social media technology and tactics to shape the
narrative. Few others have demonstrated Palin’s prowess at breaking
the rules of the Old Guard Media. We’re thrilled to have her join us
at RightOnline, which already features some of the most influential
figures and publishers of online news in the country.”

Governor Palin will participate in Friday evening’s ‘Tribute to Andrew
Breitbart’ by the Breitbart News team and will introduce Citizen
United’s new film “Occupy Unmasked” written/directed by Stephen K.
Bannon and featuring Andrew Breitbart.

Palin is the latest to join an already impressive lineup of new media
gurus that includes pollster Scott Rasmussen, author Jonah Goldberg,
FOX News contributor Michelle Malkin, Breitbart News editor Dana
Loesch, and many more. For the fifth year in a row, RightOnline is the
can’t-miss event for liberty-loving bloggers and citizen journalists
who want to take their online activism to the next level.

If you’re a blogger, a Youtube wizard, a journalist, a media guru, or just interested in attending to educate or improve yourself with these exciting panel discussions and strategy sessions detailing how to beat the liberal media and take our country back, it’s still not too late to register for this event. Do it today!

Matt Vespa

I'm a staunch Republican and a politics junkie who was recently the Executive Director for the Dauphin County Republican Committee in Harrisburg. Before that, I interned with the Republican Party of Pennsylvania in the summer of 2011 and Mary Pat Christie, First Lady of NJ, within the Office of the Governor of NJ in 2010. I was responsible for updating his personal contact list. My first political internship was with Tom Kean Jr's. U.S. Senate campaign in 2006.

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