
Does This Offend YOU?

According to the New York Post, a principal has deemed Lee Greenwood’s popular “God Bless The USA” offensive. The principal who banned this patriotic song from the Kindergarten graduation and  replace with a Justin Bieber teen romance tune. A variety of reasons have been offered; including that Greenwood’s lyrics were too ‘mature’ for five-year-olds.

Compared to the line in Baby, “Are we an item? Girl, quit playin'”? Who are they kidding?

What is happening to this country? Have our values changed so much? Is Patriotism no longer something to which we aspire? Are the ideals of Greenwood’s song, losing it all and starting over, long American ideals now replaced with pop culture’s everything’s ‘fast and easy’ focus?

Ronald Reagan used to talk about the Silent Majority. People with common sense who found the direction the government was taking the country to be offensive. It’s time for a revival of this group. We cannot afford to remain silent and watch our leaders push us until we lose our beliefs and morality.

On Fox and Friends Monday morning one mom and her son from the school were interviewed about their feelings. We need more parents willing to stand and speak up.  You’ll appreciate the clip but be sure to watch to the end. You’ll hear a true American voice singing a capella.  As you listen to this representative of the future of America don’t be surprised if you, too are offended.



Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

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