Full Frontal Attack on America!

We are being attacked! Where are the news flashes? Is it like the foreigners that executed the 9/11 plan?

Was it like the foreigners that attacked Pearl Harbor? Was it like the enemy that was dug in on the beaches of Normandy? NO! It was the Clackamas Town Center Mall management. Yes, an American company on American soil! They deemed the American Flag display on a kiddie train as “UNAPPROVED VISUALS”. Their words, not mine.

How long have they been off their medication? My hero, Mr. Thomas Phelps, refused to remove the flag. A REAL PATRIOT! How many of you would be willing to take this stand?

This is the kind of push back we need to see more often. They are in our faces with this assault and we need to stand strong. Like many who have fought for our freedom, stand your ground, DON’T GIVE UP!

They gain a little here and a little there and then what’s left?

Why aren’t we horrified by these attacks? They are attacks!

When did it start?  Who started it?  Will it end?  When?

When we think of an attack of horrific proportion, we think of the lives lost in Pearl Harbor. We were outraged!

Then we think of 9/11. How could they? Innocent people lost their lives.

But what about the attacks that aren’t as blatant? Those that aren’t considered historic or monumental attacks,
but are attacks that have been waged slowly over the years, undermining our foundation of freedom?

Attack: “The Constitution is outdated, no longer necessary and doesn’t pertain today.”
Time magazine wrote the Founding Fathers could not have understood things of the future, such as the internet, spaceships and weapons of mass destruction.
Thank God they didn’t. They focused on the one constant that would always go awry without checks and
balances: mankind.

They knew that without basic guidelines, men would ruin this new country that they were helping to shape and create. They didn’t want a king because they knew firsthand that a monarchy government had not worked.
As simply stated in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths” (a truth is an absolute — not up for discussion) “That all men are created equal” — wait a minute.
If we are all created equal, why am I blind in one eye? My neighbor isn’t. Why isn’t my house as big as the guy’s down the street?
Oh! — we are created with an equal ability to pursue success. We are free to be designers of our own destiny,
to worship where and when we wish, or if we so choose. You won’t find these opportunities under a monarchy.
Should we just blindly trust what our rulers — sorry — I mean leaders in the form of the president and Congress say in the moment? Or should we continue to use the Constitution as
our country’s guidance system?

Attack: Eugene City Council (Oregon) decides no more Pledge of Allegiance.
they say “It’s way too divisive”.
A city in the United States of America, protected by the Constitution, protected by the American military,
supported by American tax dollars, finds the pledge to the United States divisive.
I agree!

The Constitution was meant to be divisive. It was meant to separate us from other nations and set us apart from the way other nations do business.
So, I pledge allegiance to the flag, (Why? Because of what it stands for. The flag is backed up by the Constitution, like our money is backed by gold, never mind that they’ve already ruined that.) of the United States of America, (this great country) and to the Republic, (not a democracy, a republic, and representative government by the people) for which it stands, one nation, (not one world union) under God, (Deal with it. Why? Because the minute humankind thinks he gets his marching orders from himself, we are all doomed.) with liberty (freedom to do anything you want within the law without trampling on someone else’s freedom) and justice (by a group of your peers, not a dictator that takes you out and has you shot because they think personally don’t like you or what you did) for all (rich, poor, short, tall, black, white, Christian, Jew, Atheist, man or woman).
We need to understand that the American way of life gives us the freedoms to be anything we want to be.

A single mom from South Central L.A. can be the next Sally Ride. The inner-city kid, who has only seen drugs and poverty, can be the next Donald Trump.
The system was never set up to guarantee happiness and prosperity. The guarantee was just that all Americans would all have access to opportunities for success.
You have to have an allegiance to something. You have to have a faith in something bigger than yourself. Otherwise, you are adrift with no solid foundation.
America is attacked every day at the core, chipping away at the pledge and what it stands for, the Constitution and what it stands for, the foundation our forefathers set up.
The Constitution was put together by men with a single vision. They did not necessarily have the same approach, but with one purpose in mind, they set in motion unity, peace, liberty and freedom for all citizens.
As these things give way and erode, so does the American way of life. Stand up to the attacks on our foundations. Fight back, America. Stay vigilant. Honor those who went before you. Don’t give an inch.

Joe Messina
Syndicated Talk Show host
The Real Side Radio Show

Joe Messina

Joe is a no-nonsense, conservative realist. He is not interested in “what if?” or “we could have!” He is interested in hearing both sides and has no problem taking on taboo issues with real questions looking for real answers. Racism, religion, and politics are all open season for topics, and he’s happy to offer up his opinion in the process! Joe is an engaging speaker mixing a healthy dose of sarcasm with the cold, hard facts, interacting with the audience, taking questions, and often playing “devil’s advocate”… just to make you to think! Actively engaged in community, church, and politics for well over a decade, Joe enjoys the reputation of being a man of integrity and ethics. He has had several successful businesses and held several executive positions with various Fortune 1000 companies. He is often sought after to teach classes his “black and white breakdown” of business ethics.If you like to “stir the pot” a little and you don’t want to hear any more political correctness, Joe is your guy! Just name a topic… politics, religion, racism, or most any current event.Joe can be heard daily across the airwaves and over the internet on several stations.

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One Comment

  1. I did it for the children. So many of the children have not seen our flag up close and been able to touch it and ask questions. When I came in to the train on the Monday following the press release the chldren chanted “America’s Train” while I put out the flags. That is why we must all do the right thing and show our chidren that they can make a difference.

    Thomas L Phelps, manager of the train at Clackamas Town Center, Veteran, Hispanic American, father, grandfather, great grandfather and carrying adult.

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