Science, Technology, and Social Media

Ai’s Cleaning Closet: First Use of the Shark Pro Steam Pocket Mop

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of cleaning products and housekeeping in general, so it’s no surprise that my interest in consumer cleaning products would spill into my online writing. (it’s not “all” politics all the time at Casa del Ai)

I recently took possession of a Shark Pro Steam Pocket mop and decided to record it being used for the first time.  When you first turn it on, it seems to do “nothing” for the first 30 seconds, and the steam it initially produces seems a little on the pathetic side.  But after about 90 seconds, it starts belching steam out in a fashion that might remind one of a science fiction story set in 19th century England.  While that description might not do it justice, you can see the great puffs of steam it produces in the video below.  (please excuse the “well lived in” interior of the home it’s used in)

(the steam is better visible when viewing in 720p or 1080p)

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