Highlights From Last Weekend’s Debate at the Historical Center (Moderated by Abraham Lincoln)

President Obama met with Governor Romney last weekend at America’s Historical Center to have a more relaxed bonus debate, and we here at CDN have the highlights from that encounter.

Some critics were surprised with the comments that our president chose to make about the former governor, including one where he said that Mitt Romney wears “mom jeans”.  It’s a well known fact in Washington that the Commander in Chief has a preference for mom jeans himself, but DC has long been a hotbed of hypocrisy, so this is nothing new.  An even more surprising charge from the president, and one with racial undertones, came when he said that Mitt Romney was so “rich and white” he feels like he’s “running against a cheesecake”.

Not to be left out of the questionable comments, Mitt said that the First Lady “looks like Patrick Ewing”.  Video of the highlights is below.


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