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Ban All Guns, But Whatever You Do, Don’t Violate the Violent Criminal’s Right to Commit Evil

stop the gun violence

As a resident of the state of Connecticut, I can state quite categorically that Connecticut has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States. Despite those laws, the left insists that if  Connecticut imposed stricter bans, Newtown resident Adam Lanza would never have murdered 20 children and seven adults in a mass shooting.

The left continues making that claim, but so far this ideology toward  banning guns has never prevented gun violence or stopped monsters from obtaining guns. Anyone determined to commit violent crimes will purchase guns illegally if guns are banned.

Try telling that to leftists, they believe guns are the problem, the left wants guns put away, not the criminally insane, who seem to have more rights than innocent people who have a right to bear arms.

CNN’s Piers Morgan, who hails from gun free/high crime Britain, is an example of anti-gun leftist ignorance that views guns as the perpetrator, not violent people. Morgan insists gun-free zones prevent gun violence and  argued this flawed view with More Guns, Less Crime author John R. Lott who explained that “gun-free” zones attract those seeking gun violence:

Look at the [Aurora] movie theater one, for example. There were seven movie theaters showing the movie “Batman” movie within a 20 minute drive of where the killer lived. Only one of those banned guns. He [the killer] didn’t go to the movie theater closest to his home. He didn’t go to the movie theater with the largest screen. He went to the one movie theater that banned guns. Now if you look at bans generally…In the U.K. and Jamaica, Ireland, island nations that have banned guns, you can’t find a place where murder rates have actually gone down. They have gone up usually by large amounts.


bloody gun



Morgan’s reply to gun bans not preventing gun crimes is it’s “a load of nonsense,” and “Nobody needs one of these [guns] in their home, end of story.”

The left chooses to view mentally unbalanced people as harmless and guns as mentally unbalanced.

Leftist logic has never, in its progressive history, contributed laws preventing demented monsters from committing cold-blooded murder with guns or other weapons.  Instead, the left, who decided mentally insane should rehabilitate among society, claim: “[I]if all else failed, such horrors could always be attributed to improper implementation of Progressive programs, reflecting ‘not faulty conceptualization but inadequate funding.’”

Inadequate funding is not the problem.  Every violent mass gun spree has been committed by mentally deranged people who methodically plotted violence with intent to murder as many human lives as possible.

The left ignores facts in order to hone in on guns as perpetrators of gun violence.  If the mentally derange rehabilitate by committing violence against human beings, don’t blame their violent actions, blame guns!


guns kill people


That brings us to Adam Lanza. What if Lanza’s mother never owned a gun? Can anti-gun lobbyists guarantee Lanza would never have found a way to illegally purchase guns?  Can the left promise that people intent on mass murder will never use bombs to blow up schools or other public places? No one can make those promises. Evil does not alert law enforcement prior to the act, giving details to the plans. Violent people plot murder in secret and gun laws do not stop them from carrying out their intentions.

What about Connecticut gun laws?  Connecticut requires that gun owners  have permits to carry pistols in public, otherwise, “No state permit is required for the possession of rifles, shotguns or handguns. A person must be twenty-one years of age to possess a handgun.”  Furthermore, Connecticut enforces strict background checks on everyone registering to purchase guns. Adam Lanza was 20 years-old, he could not register or purchase handguns, so he stole his mother’s guns after murdering her.

Also, Connecticut’s strict gun laws demand:

It is unlawful to possess a handgun by a person who has been convicted of a felony; convicted as a delinquent of a serious juvenile offense which includes illegal possession of a controlled substance, negligent homicide, third degree assault, first degree reckless endangerment, second degree unlawful restraint, rioting, or second degree stalking; discharged from custody within the preceding 20 years after acquittal by reason of mental disease or defect; confined by court order for mental illness within the preceding 12 months; subject to a restraining or protective order involving physical force; or an illegal alien. It is unlawful to possess any other firearm by a person who has been convicted of a felony.

So far it doesn’t appear that Lanza had a criminal record. But that doesn’t change the fact that every criminal has a first time.

As far as “assault weapons” go, Connecticut  gun laws state

No person shall possess any “assault weapon” unless that person possessed that firearm before October 1, 1993 and received a certificate of possession from the Connecticut State Police prior to July 1994

When registering in this state, Connecticut law demands “The applicant must successfully complete a handgun safety course approved by the commissioner.”

Connecticut forbids gun owners from storing “any loaded firearm on any premises under his control if” an underage teen or child can gain access to the weapon.” The state requires gun owners to keep guns “secured…in a locked container.”

If Nancy Lanza securely stored her guns, firearm laws did not stop her son from acting out in violence.

Moreover, it’s illegal in Connecticut to carry firearms on public, private elementary or secondary school property.  Strict gun laws did not prevent Lanza from entering the school and shooting 27 people.

But it’s not the criminals’ fault. Laws are ignored by violent criminals, whose guns should have told them: “You cannot use me to murder other people, it’s wrong, and I will be forced to take all the blame!”

Facts remains: Evil people will always plot and carry out malevolent deeds. Banning guns, titling guns “assault weapons”, blaming guns for violence and not people,  hasn’t prevented murderous lunatics from obtaining guns. Banning guns in America will never prevent illegal gun possession, it will only lead to crimes against the innocent without rights to bare arms.

Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. This is excellent, thank you! I think the answer to this problem is not restricting law abiding citizens from carrying guns, but to encourage them. If teachers in the office, where Lanza first opened fire, had been concealed carry holders that were allowed to be armed in the school, those children would probably still be alive. That is what truly prevents this kind of crime.

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