Gun NewsIn The News
Bank of America refutes claims that it refuses to honor debit/credit card purchases of ammo and guns
Bank of America has issued this statement refuting the earlier report that they were refusing charges for firearms-related items:
Betty Riess, a Bank of America spokeswoman, told The Daily Caller Wednesday afternoon that Stemick was given incorrect information.
“That’s not accurate,” Riess said.
A Bank of America customer calls Customer Service and gets it straight from the horses mouth! At this time, Bank of America refuses to allow their customers to use their own money to purchase guns and ammunition!
Did a little research- looks like this story is bogus. I believe firmly in our 2nd amendment rights- however I believe also in fact checking to find the truth- and disseminating incorrect information doesn’t help any of us fight those that seem to want to dismantle the US Constitution piece by piece. I’m surprised CDN didnt vet this story better. 🙁
Where is your research? Post some facts
Although I have trouble with the concept of a bank telling you what you can or cannot spend your money on, believe it or not, even though the money in the account is yours, read the back of the card. It expressly states that it is the property of the bank that issued it, not yours. So whether we like it or not, if your bank does decide what the card can be used for, we can do nothing about it. Nothing is stopping you from going to the ATM and drawing out cash, for the time being.
Banks have been the new stockades of slavery for a long time anyway. They entice people into their snares of credit and intentionally entangle them for life!! Every month most of you send off money to some bank because you have their plastic in your wallet! STOP IT! Be financially free. I’m sure this isn’t news to most of you but with every credit card transaction they take a small percentage. This adds up to stupid sums of money. If they did not collect any interest on the bill you all accumulate each month they would STILL be incredibly stinking RICH!
This isn’t Capitalism. It Corporatism at its EVIL worst! “To whom you submit yourselves, his slave you ARE!” The Federal Government is our American Monster – bad enough. Banks are the WORLD Monster!