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“Progressive” Gun Control

bho gun controlThe Second Amendment is not about hunting.  It is about the Right of the American people to prevent the likes of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, Andrew Cuomo et al from obtaining unrestrained power.

It is about the power of the people to prevent their being rounded up and put in gulags and/or concentration camps.

The American people are not demanding gun control.  NRA membership has increased by a quarter of a million in the past month.

The American people are demanding that the tyrannical government of Barack Hussein Obama and his “progressive” co-conspirators back away from their ongoing assault on the God given Rights protected by the United States Constitution.

A “progressive” government tyrannical enough to empower the Attorney General of the United States of America to put automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels so discovering those guns at the scene of Mexican crimes would justify gun control in the United States is fully capable of the most egregious actions imaginable.  There is a high probability that the recent outbreak of mass shootings have been tactically planned and carried out as part of the long term “progressive” strategy to disarm Americans.

Gun control advocates repeatedly ask questions like: “Why should ordinary people be allowed to own semi-automatic weapons?”  “Ordinary people” are the people referred to in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution as We the People.  We the People are not “allowed” to own semi-automatic weapons.  It is the Right of the people to keep and bear arms; a Right that “shall not be infringed.”

For a tyrannical “progressive” government, which possesses the most deadly weapons in the history of human civilization to dictate that We the People cannot own the weapons necessary to prevent that very same tyrannical “progressive” government from imposing the will of an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed intellectual elites upon an opposing population is as much proof of out of control un-restrained government power any Patriotic American needs to say NO.

Not one step further.

Not the passage of one more unread bill.  Not one more day without a budget.  Not one more borrowed dollar spent on “progressive” big government socialist programs.

Stop it.  Stop it now.

You have been warned.

Revolution is coming.

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  1. Well said. This government is overstepping it’s bounds, ignoring the law and flouting their power in front of us, daring us to step up and stop them. I saw we oblige them.

  2. If the government takes all the guns away from homeowners like ourselves, they’re giving all the power to the black market, which will still be providing guns for the criminals.

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