Vindication for Romney? Jeeps to Be Built in China Come 2014.

Gratuitous Jeep

In case you’ve forgotten last Fall’s election (and, really, who can blame you if you’ve wanted to), Mitt Romney was called a liar for nearly every statement he made, this one included.  Last October, the former governor from Massachusetts said he’d read a story claiming that Chrysler might move production of Jeeps from the U.S. to China.  At the time, he was accused of trying to scare voters, but, as of this week, it turns out Chrysler does have plans to start building Jeeps in the world’s most populous nation by 2014.

Chrysler signed an agreement today with a Chinese automaker to build Jeeps in that country, part of worldwide expansion plans for the iconic American brand.  –

Chrysler does claim, however, that while they will begin producing vehicles in China, they have no plans to cut the jobs currently held in the United States.  We’ll have to wait and see, but as of this moment, it looks like Romney didn’t pull the whole “build Jeeps in China” thing from thin air.

We’ll have to keep an eye on Chrysler and see how this plays out.  Until then, enjoy a gratuitous video of the Jeep Grand Cherokee from the 2011 Los Angeles Auto Show.  (video below)

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