Gun News

Gun Control Coming To Minnesota?

November’s elections gave Democrats in Minnesota control of the State House and Senate. And with a Democrat governor elected in 2010, there is little to stop the progressive agenda from sweeping the state. As if a huge tax and spend budget proposal and health insurance exchanges weren’t enough, Minnesotans are bracing for what could be the most egregious assault on the Second Amendment in the nation.

The Minnesota State House Democrats have submitted 8 bills relating to gun bans, mental health checks, gun registration and confiscation, and even monitoring of private gun safes. Not surprisingly, Minnesota residents aren’t in favor of the proposed legislation.

At a public hearing today, more than 500 pro-Second Amendment activists swarmed the State Office Building to attend the first of several committee hearings to discuss the 8 proposed bills. The capitol police and building sergeants forced all those standing in the hearing room into the hallways and into 2 overflow rooms where the public could view the live hearing on television.

The hearings, though important for the purpose of allowing the public to comment on the gross overstep of authority, may be all for naught as the Committee Chair, Rep. Michael Paymar (D) has said all of the new House bills will be laid over for inclusion in an omnibus bill to be presented later this month.

To see a list of the bills and links to the text of the proposed legislation, click here.

The real fight to maintain Second Amendment rights in Minnesota will begin after the public hearings and when the omnibus bill is presented. There are some representatives, in rural counties in Minnesota specifically, that represent districts in strict opposition to any gun control efforts. Others, primarily in the Twin Cities and Duluth, are decidedly in favor.

House hearings
Senate hearings

See what Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy Team is saying about gun control hearings in Minnesota here: Twitchy

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  1. Did you attend the hearings today Erin? It was amazing. I’m sorry I can’t go to them all. This looks like a big fight coming and I don’t like the odds with both houses of the legislature and the Governorship in the hands of the progressive DFL.

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