LOL Tuesday – Demand a Plan Parody

house of sunnyIt’s LOL Tuesday…the day of the week I’ve decided everyone needs to laugh out loud. Mondays aren’t for laughing, they’re for cursing the sun and overdosing on coffee. Wednesday is already officially Hump Day and Thursday has the pleasurable distinction of being the day before Friday so it’s almost like Friday but not quite. Friday, Saturday and Sunday – well, they’re the weekend! Their importance in our culture will never be superseded. But Tuesday’s are just…there. Tuesday needs a “thing”. So it’s LOL Tuesday, mmmkay?

I’ve got a good one for you today. Comedianne/actress Sunny Lohmann ( offers us her take on the latest celebrity PSA regarding bad, bad guns. America loves celebrity PSA’s because they make us feel like we actually care about problems. They don’t actually have to do anything, all they have to do is look concerned, speak softly and America will KNOW that THEY – the most important, influential people in the country- CARE. And they are willing to….talk…about…how much they care. See how much they care???? They even shot it in black and white, just so you’ll know they are SERIOUS!

Please to enjoy Sunny’s take on the celebrity PSA. LOL!


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