
My Valentine’s Date with Obama: Google Hosts Fireside Chat

imagesOn Tuesday President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address. On the following Thursday the President will sit down with Americans from across the country in an exclusive Google+ Hangout dubbed the Fireside Chat. During this time Mr.Obama promises to field questions from regular Americans regarding the issues that concern them the most. I am beyond thrilled and honored to tell you, dear reader that I will be one of those Americans invited to question the President. The organizers at Google have made a concerted effort to find people from all across the political spectrum. While certainly the White House will have final approval of all questions, as one Google executive told me, “We’re not looking for ‘rah rah Mr.President’ questions; we’re looking for folks who will offer thoughtful, challenging but respectful questions that truly offer the President the chance to answer questions he wouldn’t necessarily hear from the media”. To that end, this conservative blogger and housewife will be asking at least one of those questions on Thursday.

I’ve had a lot of suggestions on what exactly I should ask the President. Some serious, some not-so-serious (no, I’m not going to ask him where he gets his jeans). The bad news is I’ve already submitted my questions for approval and I wouldn’t use my one chance to talk to the leader of the free world to be a smartass. Some of you would, but not me. The good news is that you can pose your own questions and you may see the President answer them. All you need to do is head to YouTube.com/whitehouse and ask a question. Rifle through the questions already there (sorry, I didn’t mean to use a GUN reference; I’m a part of the problem!!!) and vote them up or down. The questions that get voted to the top will be given to Mr.Obama. So far I see a lot of questions about internet access and legalizing marijuana. We can probably do better than that! Go ahead to the site and flood it with common sense and good votes. This is our chance to ask the questions the media won’t. And don’t forget to tune in to Google+ this Thursday at 4:50pm ET to see me! Well, me and that other dude who runs the country…but mostly, me! See you there!

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