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Rahm Emanuel admits mistake, reinstates tactical teams to deal with high murder rate

Chicago has proven that gun control doesn’t work. Only good guys with guns can defeat bad guys – period.

Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel is now resurrecting police tactical teams to deal with urban violence, by far the leading cause of gun violence in America.

Mayor Emanuel had decimated the Targeted Response Unit and the Mobile Strike Force units in order to live up to his campaign promise to put 1,000 more officers on patrol. Unfortunately, he dismantled the most effective units against gun violence that Chicago had.

Realizing his mistake, Mayor Emanuel is re-instating the policy of his predecessor and recreating the teams he spent his first year tearing apart.

Now that Chicago has seen more than 500 murders in the first year of Emanuel’s policies, his idealistic approach to policing has been realized as naive – even by him.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Of course this is an acceptible liberal response – reinstate the Storm Troopers. Have some REAL Balls Mayor. Reinstate the Second Amendment for Chicago. I’m sure you will see a spike in gun violences as your child-killer criminals are gunned down in the streets for change (phuque-king cowards!!!). But then, strangely, all will be quiet for a change.

    Just think about it. Why, you would not have to reinstate the Storm Troopers at all. Keep you 1000 officers on the streets and just reinstate the Second Amendment. It won’t cost you a cent! What a bargain!

    What’s that?….

    Oh, was I typing too fast for you to get it?

  2. I would submit to you…Rahm…that the biggest mistake was electing you mayor in the first place.

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