The War on School Lunch Continues

School_LunchThe United States Department of Agriculture is imposing more restrictions on school lunch rooms.

According to a news release, the USDA is accepting public comment on the new proposed standards on school lunches and snack offerings.

Under the guise of creating a healthier youth, the USDA’s National School Lunch Program is on the attack again, this time targeting snack foods. The new regulations as outlined in the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) provide a “national baseline” (read: federal mandate) for snacks offered in schools and has been championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. Limits on sugar content and calories will soon be imposed on schools throughout the country not just in the federally subsidized school lunch offerings, but also in the content of the vending machines in and around school campuses.

If adopted, the USDA, not individual school districts, will decide with which vendors schools can do business and what types of foods will be available for students, teachers, administrators and guests.

The HHFKA is a $4.5 billion piece of legislation passed in 2010. The bill’s stated intent is to reauthorize funding from a decades-old child nutrition bill, but expanded greatly on the role of the federal government, chiefly the USDA and US Department of Education, when it comes to mandates on individual school districts. Despite nearly 100 years of failure by the USDA and USDE to successfully churn out healthier kids through education, childhood obesity is on the rise.

Is there an agenda behind the school lunch overhaul? Is it connected to the GREEN MOVEMENT?
Click here for more on the Child Nutrition Act Scam.

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