
Is House Passed GOP Budget Hopeless?

via Pennua.org


On Thursday, the House passed the GOP Budget Plan, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis). It passed almost entirely down partisan lines with a 221-207 vote.

Ryan’s plan is geared toward balancing the budget within 10 years through a series of huge spending cuts equaling $4.6 trillion that primarily affect funding of social programs while keeping current Social Security benefits intact. The budget repeals Obamacare and proposes a Medicare overhaul that revisits the idea of a voucher-like program for seniors. A seemingly sound plan that leads us to economic freedom by 2023.

But will any of this really make a difference? The Democrat controlled Senate just began debating their first budget since the 2009 budget that ushered in Obamacare. A budget that is on the other end of the spectrum from the House and actually increases spending after the sequester. Their budget does not propose a balance until tentatively 2040.

With a Democratic-run Senate and President Obama in the White House, it begs the question: is the House passed budget a hopeless one? There has been an ongoing struggle between the two parties over the economy and the battle could come to a head due to the drastically different proposals and different ideas about what is important for economic growth. Obama claims, “My goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the sake of balance.”

With such divisive plans, Obama will be looking to find a middle ground between the two proposals that could end up producing nearly $1 trillion in new taxes while saving social programs for the poor. While the idea may sound noble, it is simply another instance of working class Americans being punished for being contributing members of society, while those who are not are rewarded.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray(D-Wash.) says, “We need to tackle our deficit and debt fairly and responsibly.”

But fair to whom? Not to the citizens who are working harder for smaller paychecks due to increased taxation. Not to small business owners who have to cut costs somewhere due to Obamacare. And certainly not to our children who are suffering now but will suffer even more in the future due to the massive debt they are forced to repay.

We are increasingly becoming a nation dependent on our government for all of our relief—which only ends up applying more pressure. One that takes away the will to succeed and encourages accepting handouts. With that mentality, the House passed budget may not seem to be more than a pipe dream for many Americans. However, it is always in the roughest of times that Americans show of what we are truly made; which leaves hope that this proposal will be a first step in reaffirming American exceptionalism.


Follow Renee on Twitter @ReneeRankine.





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One Comment

  1. There is a great deal of merit in ‘The Ryan Plan’ For instance it points out a great cut would be the Sixty eight Duplicate programs in DOE.. I think it’s great that the Republicans have shown that there is a way to cut spending with minimal tax increase.And should keep making their efforts specifically known to the voters. HOWEVER, Show & Tell time is over..There must surely be at least one HouseRepublican that can get together with a few Democrats & craft at least a few points of agreement…Obama apparntly is not interest in a balance or any budget..frankly I don’t believe his pea brain can even grasp the meaning of ‘budget’, nor is he ‘balanced”….If these guys can’t lead, get the hell out of the way & let someone that can & will lead….The peoples business isn’t all warm & fuzzy…So you hurt feelings..It’s not like you’re sleeping with them, (is it?) So throw punches if you need too…tutorials are available on balancing a budget..Both parties are afraid of losing election, & should be.

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