
McCain Criticizes Trump’s Administration While Abroad

Anti-Trump Republican Senator John McCain publicly painted the Trump administration as chaotic in a speech to the Munich Security Conference.

“I think that the Flynn issue obviously is something that shows that in many respects this administration is in disarray and they’ve got a lot of work to do,” said McCain.

“The president, I think, makes statements (and) on other occasions contradicts himself. So we’ve learned to watch what the president does as opposed to what he says,” he said.

McCain is supporting a narrative pushed by Breitbart and echoed by several media outlets that Trump’s administration is a mess.

After GOP establishment forces inside President Donald Trump’s White House forced out National Security Adviser retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, sources close to the president confirm to Breitbart News there is serious doubt as to whether this early administration shake-up will also see the exit of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

The Brietbart column also lays blame for the failed rollout of Trump’s immigration order on Priebus.

Specifically, multiple sources close to President Trump with internal knowledge of White House operations told Breitbart News on Monday night that the buck stops with Priebus when it comes to the botched rollout of the executive order temporarily banning most travel to the United States from seven nations with a history of exporting terrorism and temporarily halting the refugee program.

Steve Bannon and multiple senior staffers have refuted claims that Priebus is on the way out or that the President is considering candidates for his replacement.

Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said, “I’m hearing from a number of senior people today that President Trump very much likes the job Reince Priebus is doing and has no intention of replacing him,” in a Newsmax interview.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. From day one Senator John McCain has been undermining the Trump administration in a very bad way and something needs to be done about this rogue Republican Senator.A good option is for this old hag to retire as he has overplayed his hand.

  2. Hey, John, have you and your little buddy Lindsey forgotten that “Loose lips sink ships”. Both are FAILED Presidential candidates….hmmm is it possible that sour grapes are the motivation for this immature & dangerous behavior? When GW Bush won the nomination McCain was downright infantile. I totally am grateful for his service and appreciative of the hardship he and many others suffered through, but his American Hero card has been used upl

    When he’s up for re-election I will support his challenger from Texas. Hope other will remember and join me.

  3. Senator John McCain is a neocon war monger which America needs less of. He needs to be thrown out of the Republican party as he is a rogue.By saying that president Trump will become a dictator McCain has gone overboard and all his past service to the country has been nullified.

  4. This am John McCain told NBC’s star lib that “Trump is getting in the way of Europe’s developing the NEW (ONE) WORLD Order ” as he was being very verbal on other negative thoughts…..wow, some hero…NOT

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