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The Assault on Education!

romana klee (CC)
romana klee (CC)

I am coming up on my 500th radio show. Go Figure! I was looking back on the titles and content of the shows, I realized that one of the topics most discussed is education, not necessarily how good it is, but how our children are being taught contrary to the many of our basic beliefs and facts.

DISCLAMER! Read carefully before proceeding.
Not ALL teachers are doing this. Not all school districts are not doing this. Not all administrators are doing this. But, there are enough of them doing it that it should bother you.

When it comes to K-12, I believe our education system needs to get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic. That’s their job. Not social issues and not revisionist history.  On the social side we’re teaching topics such as, “How to put on a condom”, “What type of sexual situations are acceptable?”, “Religion: Myth or Truth”, “Do sports like dodge ball teach bullying?”

We are 47th in the world when it comes to math and science and we are worried that a child will not know how to use a condom. A side note here, a recent study showed teenage pregnancy and abortion rates are down, but it’s because of abstinence not condom usage. Go find that tidbit in the mainstream media. Sadly, abstinence is not usually taught in schools. It’s taught in churches, places of worship, and homes.
Your children are being taught that it’s normal to have sex at 12, 13, 14, and so on, as long as you have protection. Do you really think this is a lesson to be taught at school? Your children are being taught that all forms, types, and styles of sex are permissible as long as you are properly instructed in technique and safety. Do you think this is a lesson that should be taught in school?

Your daughter can be taken to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, off school property, without your knowledge. But if she has a headache, she has to suffer through because they can’t administer drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) to her without your written permission. And if you send someone like grandma or grandpa to pick your child up from school and they are not on “the list” your child can’t go home with them. Hello? There is something wrong here.

Even one district that I’m aware of to-date teaches about “bestiality” because children may experiment with it and we need to make sure they know how to be safe in it. I wish I were kidding! And guess what parents? You can’t opt out!

When it comes to history we are in worse shape, from Columbus being nothing more than a mass murderer because of all the Native Americans he slaughtered, to the Pilgrims who were the first Mafia organization in America, to the Founding Fathers who were nothing more than old, white slave owners. Let’s reflect on that last one. When you tell young children that the Founding Fathers of this nation had money and were mostly white, religious fanatics who owned slaves, what impression do you think that makes on a young, impressionable mind?
Then you go on to teach things like how America, the bully, needlessly killed millions of Japanese, restarting WWII by dropping bombs on them just when the ware was coming to an end. Yes, that’s actually a chapter in a history book. In what time warp did that happen? Even today’s Japanese historians admit that the U.S. dropping those bombs saved millions of lives all over the world. But those in education that hate America in its current state won’t allow the facts to prevail. They know, like Hitler did, that if you indoctrinate the youth you can eventually change the country.

America is a great nation. America has stepped in to help many a nation on humanitarian causes; food, healthcare, disaster relief. Americans give more money to nations after a national disaster than all others combined.

We are told by many political experts that we should be looking for the good in nations and peoples. How about they start right here at home? America is the greatest nation on this planet. Yes, we have our flaws, but we are continually working to fix them. I can’t image being a citizen of any other country.

These are just a few examples. It can seem disheartening, but there is good news. It’s a common thread, when a parent got involved, things change. They checked their child’s backpack and regularly asked what they learned in school that day. Then they followed up with the school when something didn’t look or sound right.

The important thing, parents, is to stay engaged and involved in your child’s life more than just asking whether they did their homework or not. If you don’t like what you hear, call the school. If you don’t get the proper answer there, call the district office, go to a school board meeting, and like our Founding Fathers, never give up, never stop the fight. Our children are our future. You can and will make a difference.

Joe Messina

Joe is a no-nonsense, conservative realist. He is not interested in “what if?” or “we could have!” He is interested in hearing both sides and has no problem taking on taboo issues with real questions looking for real answers. Racism, religion, and politics are all open season for topics, and he’s happy to offer up his opinion in the process! Joe is an engaging speaker mixing a healthy dose of sarcasm with the cold, hard facts, interacting with the audience, taking questions, and often playing “devil’s advocate”… just to make you to think! Actively engaged in community, church, and politics for well over a decade, Joe enjoys the reputation of being a man of integrity and ethics. He has had several successful businesses and held several executive positions with various Fortune 1000 companies. He is often sought after to teach classes his “black and white breakdown” of business ethics.If you like to “stir the pot” a little and you don’t want to hear any more political correctness, Joe is your guy! Just name a topic… politics, religion, racism, or most any current event.Joe can be heard daily across the airwaves and over the internet on several stations.

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  1. Education has gone out the window. Quality teachers are just not in our school system anymore. They are teaching what they want to teach & it is not the subjects that are required for entering college. Hats off to those that are worth what they are being paid & doing a good job, and that does not include politics, passing out condoms, or suspending students that have their bread looking like a gun. It galls me to watch teachers marching for more pay when they are not even coming close to doing a good job w/ teaching students, and suspending students for idiotic choices. My firm belief is that they, the teachers, should have to go thru psychology classes to make sure they have their head on straight.

    1. I can’t speak for every teacher, but there ARE quality teachers in the school system. My wife is one of them. The issue is too much federal government interference in how schools are run. So much of education funding is from the federal gov’t, and it is tied to the school districts lining up in lockstep with what and how the fed. gov’t want them to educate. So much time and focus is spent on standardized testing, that principals are ‘teaching to the test.’ Teachers’ hands are tied and it’s all about kids learning to take a test well, not learning the important subjects of reading, math, and writing. It’s a one-size-fits-all approach to education that is not working. My wife is frustrated by it all because she has a passion to teach, and is good at it. But government mandates make robots out of teachers, and kids for that matter. Whether it’s “No Child Left Behind” or “Common Core,” federally-mandated requirements are not the answer. Local districts need to be given the true power to invest their own creativity and resources in teaching kids. It’s a reason why my wife, a public school teacher, and I homeschool our 2 kids. Our 7-year old 1st grader just finished 2ND GRADE reading, and is excelling in math, as well.

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