
Welcome to the Hotel Mexifornia

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, a group of women enjoying a “girl’s day out” noticed something amiss in Beverly Hills California.  They noticed that the Beverly Hills Hotel was flying the Mexican flag next to the American flag.

mexican flagThey proceeded to enter the hotel and ask why a hotel located in Beverly Hills, CA was flying the flag of a foreign nation alongside Old Glory.

Brandon (who did not give his last name) the front desk manager working in the hotel told them it had been raised to honor the heritage of Mexican farms that were located on the land before the hotel was built.

He then proceeded to tell them to “get used to it” and had security escort them from the building.

Apparently this is not the first time this issue has been raised with the hotel: https://immigrationbuzz.com/?p=2321

Why were American Citizens escorted from the premises for asking that question?

Why were American Citizens told to “get used to” seeing the Mexican Flag fly above a hotel located within the United States of America?

Not only does the day manager’s explanation sound dubious, it does not jive with the history shown in the hotels own video: https://www.beverlyhillshotel.com/anniversary-video

Anyone acquainted with American history knows that California has been part of the United States since the Mexican-American War (1846–1848) ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which determined that the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Utah would became U.S. Territories, while the lower region of California, the Baja Peninsula, remained a part of Mexico.

America assumed a $3.25 million dollar debt and paid out $15 million more for California. Translated to today’s money, that $15 million comes to $376 billion.

Quite simply, this is part of the “progressive” assault upon America. This is happening while “progressives” within both major American political Parties attempt to devalue American Citizenship through “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Not only should American Citizens contact Congress and tell them granting American Citizenship to foreign nationals who broke the law to come and stay in America unwarranted, they should contact the Beverly Hills Hotel immediately and let them know that flying the flag of a foreign country within the United States of America is completely unacceptable.

Reservations@thebeverlyhillshotel.com  310-276-2251.


Watch Episode 1 for free

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  1. Well, Teresa, it is ‘California’ after all I have no idea what Brandon’s age is, but if under 30, this is probably what he was taught in school. “History” is being changed across the Country & I understand that Arizona & Texas also really belong to Mexico. Wonder where theGeneral Manager figures in this.

  2. This is utter BS!!! Go Google images of this hotel! I knew the second I saw this it was not the central dome! The US Flag is center stage on the hotel! The CA State flag and Mexican Flag are to the sides and much lower on smaller domes! STOP taking misleading pics and making up stories to spread an agenda of hate. https://www.cntraveler.com/hotels/north-america/united-states/beverly-hills-hotel-and-bungalows-beverly-hills-california/_jcr_content/par/cn_contentwell/par-main/cn_colctrl/par-col1/cn_features_containe/cn_manual_feature_0/cn_image_0.size.beverly-hills-hotel-and-bungalows-beverly-hills-california-102926-1.jpg

    1. The reported incident took place on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. Was the picture on Google images from date or from several years ago? Based on what’s quite possibly a years old photo found on Google images you’re going to completely discount the eye-witness reports of April 3, 2013? You’re also going to deny the responses given by the hotel on April 3 as well as back in 2008?

      Stop smearing an accurate report with your weak attempt at emotional blackmail.

  3. This reminds me of the time I went to an Irish bar and demanded that he take down the Irish flag, cause this is ‘merica, and we are not allowed to be proud of our heritage!

  4. It is the owners property and he is not breaking the law, what is the problem?!!
    If you dont like it dont go, simple!
    I bet if it was a European flag next to the American flag people would not say a thing!

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