Would You Sign to Rid U.S. of 1st Amendment?
These guys would.
Clips from this video were shown on Fox and Friends Friday. The creator, Mark Dice, wanted to challenge the knowledge of Obama supporters by offering a petition to rid the US of its pesky First Amendment.
Is it okay for those mean right wingers to criticize the president? Want to stop those haters?
Watch as the majority of these naive voters easily sign away their rights. They have no idea the importance our forefathers placed on free speech nor it’s role today.
This will make you shake your head.
Constitution should stay as written by people that knew what kind of a world their ancestors would live in. Which is no corrupt.
Amazing how many are filled with hate for those with a differing opinion. Just shows how many Obama sycophants there are in this country. Wonder how they’ll feel when he’s impeached or tried for treason?