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Armed robber shot by intended victim in Arizona

Another attempted mugging ended with the criminals being shot and the intended victim coming away unharmed thanks to concealed carry laws.

The suspects were informed were informed by Yuma Justice of the Peace Greg Stewart that there were each being held on in allegations of attempted murder, armed robbery and aggravated assault. The victim has so far been held harmless in for defending himself.

Prosecutor William Katz told the court that “The victim was in town visiting a family member and was standing outside a residence when he was approached by two males. They demanded his wallet, when he didn’t comply, they demanded his wallet again. It was at that point that they brandished a weapon and [the victim] took out his own .45-caliber weapon. Refusing to be a victim, he fired and struck one of the assailants in the neck.”

According to reports, the intended victim had a legally concealed firearm and is likely to be uncharged in the case.

The victim was neither shot nor otherwise injured in the attempted robbery. He is also in full possession of his wallet and its contents.

The suspect who was shot is being treated for a life-threatening gunshot wound.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. If we didn’t have our weapons, just think that man could have wound up being robbed or killed. We must fight for our rights to carry. Just do not leave your firearms around for children to handle. They have trigger locks for those people that do not have a secret place to hide them, just wear the key around your neck, or wear your pistol wherever you go.

  2. the liberal media is doing a great job keeping stories like these buried. every time someone uses a gun for self defense it should be front page news. but that would go against the liberal medias anti gun agenda.

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