Warned! Saudi Arabia’s Warning to DHS About Boston Bomber

Kerry Saudi FMA news report out of the UK claims Saudi Arabian officials sent written warning to the United States Department of Homeland Security about Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012. The letter detailed Tsarnaev’s radicalism and was based on intelligence gathered in Yemen, according to the Daily Mail report.

“Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev’s plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.”

Also included in the letter are three other people from Pakistan who are also listed as jihadis worthy of U.S. investigation.

DHS and the White House have flatly denied receiving any warning from Saudi Arabia referencing Tsarnaev, however both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi officials at the White House within days of the Boston bombings in unannounced, closed-to-press meetings which is raising suspicion.

No reports have been released yet to explain who the Pakistanis mentioned in the letter are, if the two have been investigated, or whether the men are still in the United States. Pressure cooker bombs, like those used at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, are a “signature device” to jihadis in Pakistan and Afghanistan, according to intelligence officials in the region.

The sentiment is held by U.S. officials as well. “I think given the level of sophistication of this device, the fact that the pressure cooker is a signature device that goes back to Pakistan, Afghanistan, leads me to believe — and the way they handled these devices and the tradecraft — … that there was a trainer and the question is where is that trainer or trainers,” said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, on “Fox News Sunday.”

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