
NBA Finals Brings Out The Racists!

Last night was Game 3 of the NBA Finals- the San Antonio Spurs took on the Miami Heat in the Alamo City! In San Antonio, basketball is almost a religion! We bleed black and silver! Our home was no different than probably 98% of the San Antonio population last night. We were in front of the TV, getting ready to cheer on the Spurs!

I was finishing up in the kitchen, preparing snacks for the kids, when everyone started yelling for me to come in the living room. To my great surprise, I saw Sebastien De La Cruz, who is a personal friend of our family, standing in the middle of the court, belting out The National Anthem! We were so proud of him! I sent a text to his Mom to tell her what a great job he did, and settled in to enjoy the butt-whoopin’ that our boys gave to Miami!


If you missed Sebastien’s performance, watch this! He is a very talented young man!

Sebastien was, in fact, my oldest daughter’s “first boyfriend” when they were in the 3rd grade. Over the last few years we have become friends with their family, and last year, when Sebastien made it to the Finals on American’s Got Talent 2012, we cheered him on every step of the way!

So it was with great sadness that I woke up this morning to find out that while we were so proud of Sebastien and his performance last night, he had unwittingly become the target of racism.

Here is a sampling of Twitter comments during last night’s performance. Warning! Foul language, and pure hate follows:


Now, this may seem like a simple case of racism to you, but I have a very different theory. Nevermind the fact that Sebastien is a LEGAL, AMERICAN CITIZEN, BORN AND RAISED in America! Nevermind that his PARENTS were born and raised here, and quite possibly, his grandparents as well! The real issue here is immigration, and how the politicians see it as nothing but a political game!

I believe that our country is reaching the boiling point on many issues, and immigration is one of the hotbed issues that is part of the boiling cauldron. Sadly, the president is doing nothing but adding fuel to the already blazing hot fire! People are fed up with the politicians going around the law to serve their own “needs”, and in the process, a child is paying the price for the dissension they have caused!

Barack Obama had the potential to be one of the greatest presidents in American History. He could have been the person to unite this nation like never before. He is a black man, with a white mother.

Step outside of the white and black issue, and you have the Hispanic issue. Barack Obama and the Democrat party’s grandstanding on immigration reform has done nothing but further divide this great nation. Rather than obeying the law, the Democrat Party, along with some from the Republican side of the aisle, are doing everything they can to go around the law of the land. Rather than addressing the issue in a legal manner, they are

A “long-time Democratic Party political operative with direct experience at the highest levels of government” says that the harsh reality is that the “Democrats could give a sh*t about Mexicans. This whole thing, this whole issue has always been about votes first. Period. Always. And this time around it’s all about 2014.”

Just yesterday, Democrat Senator Tim Kaine argued for illegal immigration on the Senate Floor- IN SPANISH! To top that off, Chuck Schumer said, ‘illegal immigration will be a thing of the past‘! So what they are telling every citizen in America is that they- the politicians, and those who come here illegally, do not have to obey they law! Forget the fact that millions of people every year come here legally!

The more these politicians push to go around the law, the more anger they stir up among the American public! Yes, you will always have racists! My husband and I are both very white people with five very dark “Mexican” children! We have been the brunt of racist comments before- including from my own extended family!

So here we are- the land of opportunity, land of the free, home of the brave, yet we are a nation very much divided against herself! On one side we have a nation full of politicians (on BOTH sides of the aisle!) using an entire race for their own political gain, and many of the pawns in their sick, political game go right along with it, being played for a fool! On the other side we have people who are tired of the political games at the expense of our nation and those who want to play by the rules. In the middle, you have the racist idiots that can’t see how truly disgusting they really are!

We truly have reached a sad place in America!

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln


Source: Hispanic News Network

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One Comment

  1. I am a legal resident from Glasgow, Scotland. Even though my husband held a clearance in the Sub Fleet in U.S. Navy, we had to go through a long battle with Immigration to bring the family to the States. I am appaulled that this country is bending over backwards to the illegal hispanics here. They have more rights than the U.S. citizens living here. Both sides are using the illegals, whether for votes or cheap labor (killing the middle class). From what my husband taught me of world history, when he was taking classes at the U of Arizona, we are now on a tipping point, just like all the other world powers that fell from corruption and greed. Watch out Congress and the current administration. The French Revolution is coming and the American people aren’t going to use the guiollotine. NSA, did you get that? Ex-Arizona governor, are you listening? The time is near and you still have your heads stuck in the sand. My husband told me about Kent and the four people shot there. If that happens again, it won’t be just the young people on the mall.

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