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The Zimmerman Trial Was A Disgrace

I am not one who likes television cameras in the court room, but regarding the Zimmerman trial, I must make an exception.

I am angry with our justice system. As I watched day after day of the trial, it was obvious that the prosecution had no case. Almost every witness they brought to support their side ended up sounding like the defense had put them on the stand. It was an embarrassment. Reasonable doubt permeated the case from beginning to end.

The state had brought a 2nd degree charge of murder. It was clear from the evidence that the intent needed for that charge was nowhere to be seen. The “civil rights industry” (read Revs. Sharpton and Jackson) invented this case. George Zimmerman was not a racist, no matter how hard the state attempted to make him out to be one. I believe that the state only brought a 2nd degree charge so that they would have a chance to catch him on manslaughter. (Professor Dershowitz agrees with me.) Thankfully they were unable to do that.

Television anchors and their expert guests kept excusing the prosecution’s weak case by telling us that ‘wait, the case isn’t over yet’ – like there was some bombshell to wait for. There wasn’t. The prosecution rested and the defense basically played clean-up, clarifying, and explaining the facts of the case (read Dr. Vincent Di Maio who literally wrote the book on gunshot wounds). The facts. Not the emotionally based attacks the prosecution tried.

The tv anchors and guests also kept telling us that the prosecution was tied by the evidence and witnesses that they had… which begs the question: If these prosecutors were so knowledgeable, wouldn’t it have been obvious to them before they began the trial that they certainly had no 2nd degree murder case as well as no manslaughter charge? Which makes it obvious to us that the prosecution of George Zimmerman was a show trial.

A young man was dead, someone needed to pay for it. That’s what this case was all about – not about race. For the family’s attorney to compare Trayvon Martin to Medgar Evers and Emmett Till disgusts me.

The death of Trayvon Martin was no doubt a tragedy. But to paraphrase Zimmerman lawyer, Don West, it’s good that the jury kept this tragedy from turning into a travesty. I’m happy the trial was televised so we could all witness this prosecutorial attempt at destroying a man’s life.

Shira Drissman

Grateful to have three little ones under three and a half years old and be a stay-at-home mom. I also have masters degrees in both education and political science.

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One Comment

  1. I think this trial is a showcase of the Progressive Left mentality that; any means justifies the end. And that the left mentality is emotionally driven – EMO! There wasn’t any rational thinking on the part of the Leftist prosecution because they have become fundamentally incapable of rational thinking. The expectations of the left are clearly a sound belief in their faith that their goals are righteous and will carry them through any doubt – “never mind the facts, we “know” that he is a RACist! What other possible reason could he have had for killing this kid?”

    Tch,tch,tch… they’ll let anybody into law school these day.

    I am ever hopeful there will be an investigation into the prosecutor’s misconduct!

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