Grit and Grace on CDN – August 29th
When: Thursday, August 29th, 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Where: Grit and Grace on CDN on Blog Talk Radio
What: What does a Jewish Conservative originally from New Jersey and a former liberal turned Conservative Southern Baptist from Mississippi have in common? A whole lot of Grit and Grace! Please Join Jennifer Meadows and Josh Bernstein for one of the most content rich Conservative talk shows that takes an honest and raw look at the issues affecting or nation. The Grit and Grace show is one of a kind and we promise our listeners no talking points, just real solutions.
Tonight: Only 20,000 people showed for “MLK’s March on Washington” yesterday. Much less than the 100,000 that were expected. We’ll discuss
this and all the details of the event.
Both France and Britain change their tone on the Syrian conflict. Is a diplomatic solution the answer in Syria? …and WHY are we in this
war with Syria to begin with? What purpose does this serve for the Obama Administration?
At 9:30 pm Eastern our guest is Dr. Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former Navy Chaplain, who will tell his incredible personal story. He was
court-Martialed for praying in Jesus name at the White House several years ago. His continued fight for free speech and religious freedom
for the military eventually cost him his career, and a million dollar pension. He’s still an outspoken voice fighting for 1st Amendment rights
for our military men and women.
After 10:00 pm Eastern our own contributor, Joe Newby, and writer for the Examiner, will be with us to talk about Jesse Jackson’s recent
comments about the Tea Party and his comparison to the “resurrection of the Confederacy”. Also, Obama continues to blame others for his
political failures. He blames Rush Limbaugh for Washington gridlock. Privately, Obama claims that Republicans have expressed their fear
of Limbaugh!!! Goooo, RUSH!!!!!!
~ Join us from 8:00 to 10:00 pm Central/ 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern.
**Callers welcome after 10:00 pm Eastern** # 424.220.1807
The Grit & Grace Radio Show ~ “talk radio without talking points”
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