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Drown The GOP In Conservative Tea!


 elephant drowning in tea

My new motto is one we conservatives need to live by:  “Drown The GOP In Conservative Tea!”

Conservatism was kicked out of the GOP by a progressive inside machine and Republicans are now joined at the hip with the Democrat Party and it’s progressive policies. So why should we conservatives continue supporting RINOs who sold us out?

There is no difference between the two parties, it’s no longer Democrat versus Republican, its one big party of incestuous bureaucrats whose sole interest is power with life terms. 

gop v tea party

I’ve said it before: John Boehner and Harry Reid are politically incestuous and together they bred Nancy Pelosi’s Flying Monkeys. Unfortunately such ill-breeding gave us RINOs.


Conservatives, let’s be honest with ourselves: The Republican Party is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Calvin Coolidge William  F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.  

Is Marco Rubio really conservative? Rubio sides with the King of Amnesty John McCain, because Rubio only cares about becoming the first Hispanic president. He didn’t even support Rep. Allen West of Florida during the 2012 race. Rubio stood by and let West lose his district.

What about Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy? They want you to believe a government program handing out universal healthcare will simply crumble and go away, so why bother defunding ObamaCare. Europe has proven government programs never crumble but expand out of control and drown economies. 

The only way to destroy government programs controlling people’s lives is to destroy government programs.

Eric Cantor is sell-out, so is Lindsay Graham.

Paul Ryan proved he’s a snake oil salesman when he campaigned against Obamacare. It would hurt his mother Betty’s Medicare. After the election Ryan stopped fighting to defund ObamaCare. He decided to delay it.

In other words: Ignore ObamaCare in favor of a Congressional job that gets to opt out of ObamaCare with fabulous healthcare opportunities.

Joe Manchin shows up for votes, but refuses to take sides in the vote except on voting procedure. Perhaps Manchin should quit his job since he is incapable of doing his job.

Mitch McConnell raised taxes that enable Obamcare expansion. How conservative!

Don’t even get me started on New Jersey’s loud-mouthed beached whale in a suit Chris Christie!

Cry-baby John Boehner wants to wait for another debt ceiling before he considers fighting ObamaCare.

Boehner and GOP leaders, with the exception of Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, are siding with Democrats not to shut down the government and defund ObamaCare, as well as holding off employer mandates until the 2014 election is over, because they don’t want the truth–Obamacare will destroy the economy– coming out and destroying vote-grabbing reelections for Republicans and Democrats.

Heaven forbid Tea Party candidates win RINO seats. The country might have leaders willing to serve limited terms doing what is constitutionally right to restore America.

Remember Boehner said he wouldn’t risk anything by pushing to defund ObamaCare:

You’ve got a Democrat president, you’ve got a Democrat Senate. It’s very difficult for us to impose our will on them. There will be opportunities ahead, but do you want to risk the full faith and credit of the United States government over ObamaCare? That’s a very tough argument to make.

The GOP imposing conservatism on progressives? Why that would force the government to acknowledge the Constitution as the law of the land!

And let’s not forget all of these men vilified Michele Bachmann for questioning why Muslim Brotherhood-connected Huma Abedin had top security clearance inside the State Department. These RINOs deemed Bachmann intolerant.

We conservatives better impose our conservative constitutional will on those imposing their progressive, anti-American, anti-Constitution will against America or we will lose this country to tyranny!

Let’s admit the truth conservatives: Republicans are no longer Republicans, they are Democrats disguised as Republicans (in the case of John McCain I would say he’s Hillary Clinton in better man’s drag). The GOP now cares more about reelections so the people serve the leaders for life through tax dollars, stolen from earned paychecks by the Federal Government, then serving the people and states they are supposed to represent, as well as this country.

It’s obvious that was the Democrat goal all along: Destroy the Republican Party’s conservative values and traditions by infiltrating the party with Democrats pretending to be Republicans.

It’s now one big party of progressive bureaucrats against conservatives.

Beohner So Be It

Despite these morons showing their true progressive colors, Republican voters keep reelecting RINOS! Why? Don’t conservatives want the Constitutional Republic (we are not a democracy, the Constitution limits and divides power with separate government branches and forbids the majority to vote to impose its will upon the minority ) founded on liberty restored?

Don’t we want our fundamental rights returned?  Don’t we believe in Nature’s Laws? Or do we prefer the government’s European democracy-style will imposed upon our individual lives?

Do we want We The People or They The Government? Do we want our nation to remain Of the People, By The People, and For The People or Of, By, and For the Government?

Wake up conservatives! We lost our Grand Ole’ Party to progressives whores who married themselves to the ultimate progressive socialists—Democrats.

Conservatives: It’s time we take on a new motto and live by it: “Drown the GOP in Conservative Tea!

Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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