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Syria: Obama’s War

Donkey Hotey (CC)
Donkey Hotey (CC)

Obama is low in the ratings.Only 35% support him so what’s a weak president to do? Come up with an excuse to support a war to make him look strong and decisive. Only with Obama it doesn’t work. The people are war weary now with Iraq and Afghanistan and the pentagon says we have no more funds for a war. Furthermore,Obama,picked the wrong country to go to war with. It is a country  at war with forces from within and no side is worth supporting here. I, myself  don’t trust either side John Kerry comes up with a scenario about how Assad gassed 1,300 of his people with Sarin gas.Most probably sent by Saddam during the Iraq war when our intelligence spotted trucks driven by Russians out of Iraq and into Syria before,during and after the war(my words not his). Kerry and co.said what an atrocity this is and went into great detail describing all the bodies of men,women and children lining the streets of Damascus wrapped in sheets. The speech sounded eerily like his famous anti-Vietnam “winter soldier’s speech” before congress in the sixties where he described the so called atrocities committed by our soldiers “reminiscent of Genghis Khan”to Vietnamese civilians which there was no proof of.

As former Lt.Col.Ralph Peters so truthfully put it,”Saddam killed over a million of his people with gas. Where was Kerry then?” I’ll tell you where Ralph.He was probably stirring up the anti-Bush /Iraq war population. Now this time Kerry can say he was against the war before he was for it.

Now it’s Obama’s war as he hems and haws about going in or not,threatening Assad and tells where we intend to hit and with what kind of missiles not to cause regime change,but just to scare  him. WHAT A WIMPY EXCUSE for a president. Assad must be shaking in his boots. Even John McCain said Assad must be euphoric over Obama’s decision.

Obama said he was prepared to go it alone. All the countries except France backed out. He was prepared to override the constitution again like he has done so many times, but the outcry to go before congress was so great he decided to go before them to get permission. Assad in the meantime has Iran,Russia and North Korea backing him.

President Obama’s decision to seek Congressional approval for a military strike in response to reports of a chemical weapons attack in Syria drew a range of reactions from Syrians on Sunday, with rebel leaders expressing disappointment and government leaders questioning Mr. Obama’s leadership.

Syria’s government on Sunday mocked Mr. Obama’s decision, saying it was a sign of weakness. A state-run newspaper, Al Thawra, called it “the start of the historic American retreat,” and said Mr. Obama had hesitated because of a “sense of implicit defeat and the disappearance of his allies,” along with fears that an intervention could become “an open war.”

Many Syrian opposition leaders expressed disappointment about the move, and called on Congress to approve a military strike. The leaders said any intervention should be accompanied by more arms for the rebels.

“Dictatorships like Iran and North Korea are watching closely to see how the free world responds to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people,” the opposition coalition said in a statement issued in Istanbul.

Still, some rebel leaders were angry. A member of Syria’s opposition National Coalition, Samir Nachar, called Mr. Obama a “weak president who cannot make the right decision when it comes to such an urgent crisis.”

Assad has said if we launch missiles into Syria, he’ll launch missiles into Israel which caused Israel to go on a massive buy of gas masks. This poses another problem for Obama as Israel  is our ally in the middle east and Obama has demonstrated disdain for  them and snubbed Netanyahu on occasions. One respondent to an article I read posed this theory: He said this is what Obama may be wanting to happen.  Assad attacks Israel and they retaliate and Obama steps in with a peace treaty making him look like a hero. I don’t think that theory is too far off.

Obama doesn’t have the brains to be where he’s at. Everything he says is the exact opposite of what he actually does.. His whole life is a lie, everything he does is orchestrated by someone else putting the words in his mouth, and others being paid to destroy this country , one step at a time.

The reason he dithers so much on everything is because everything about this guy is a facade. They took an incompetent Communist racist, taught him to read a teleprompter, gave him papers which no one has seen, grades which no one has seen, and told the sheeple that if they don’t vote for him they are racists. He’s told what to say, when to say it, where to say it, how to say it and can’t say anything other than what he’s told to say. As one comment  I saw said,  “In his college application he claims he is a citizen of Kenya. Did he lie about being a citizen of Kenya and thus his diploma is now in jeopardy or is he really a citizen of Kenya and thus not eligible for the presidency? Either way, he gained the presidency fraudulently. What a shame for a president and now we risk another illegal war in the middle east with Syria. I say stay out of there and let them fight it out.

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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