Money & The EconomyOpinion

Federal Government: Embarrassing to the Point of Painful

As the so-called “government shutdown” drags on, one thing is hard not to admit: the Obama Administration is acting in a manner that is attempting to extract the maximum amount of pain on the American people. While many are wondering how it came to this point, those of us who actually paid attention in Social Studies, Civics and American History classes – school subjects that are, today, given little, if any, attention –
understand it’s because the US Constitution and the purity of the original governmental process has been raped by the opportunistic political class.

Our nation has always had a robust political discourse, commencing from before we were even a documented nation. We have always been represented by a passionate, spirited political class; strong in their beliefs, but educated and knowledgeable enough to legislate and govern for the good of all the people. Today, this is not the case.

Today, we have a political class that insists on the importance of ideologically motivated political “achievements” over the honest representation of the American people; loyalty to political faction – of which each and every Framer and Founder warned – over loyalty to those who delivered them to power via the ballot box.

Today, we literally have people in the political class that have an inferior command of the English language, an inferior and under-performing understanding of the principles of the Constitution and the Charters of Freedom, and a devotion to Progressivism; a non-indigenous, Marxist-based ideology that believes the State is the Alpha and the Omega; the giver of rights and the final arbiter of freedom and liberty.

Today, we have a government that does not – does not – serve the American people, evidenced – in a singular point – by the overwhelming and sustained majority of Americans who do not want the Affordable Care Act implemented on any level.

FOX News reports:

Is the Obama administration employing a make-it-hurt strategy to gain political leverage in the budget battle on Capitol Hill?

Republicans are making that charge as the stalemate drags on, and point to the Pentagon furlough of 400,000 civilian staffers — even though Congress passed and the president signed a bill to supposedly keep them on the job…

Republicans argue that the intent of the law was to keep them on the job, and that the Obama administration “narrowly interpreted” it against congressional intent in order to furlough more employees.

It’s one example of how, Republicans say, the administration is making the partial shutdown of government services worse than it needs to be. Many have complained about the National Park Service cordoning off even open-air monuments in Washington, DC, such as the World War II Memorial.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), responded to criticisms by saying, “It is time for Speaker Boehner to stop the games.”

Shamefully, FOX also reported that correspondence on this situation has stalled because, as Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), stated, “Unfortunately, most of the staff who draft congressional correspondence are furloughed.”

A few notes on this shameful situation.

First, and to be equally critical to both sides, if “staffers that draft congressional correspondence” have been furloughed, perhaps those elected to Congress should learn to (and actually) write their own correspondence.

Second, to the Progressives, Democrats and our embarrassing President, it is never “game-playing” when the taxpayer’s money is being spent. It is “game-playing” when members of our military who have been maimed and permanently injured can’t get medical care because the politically opportune refuse to entertain appropriations passed through a traditional method (not every spending bill has to be an omnibus package, in fact traditionally, the 12 appropriation bills have been passed separately).

House Republicans “screwed the pooch” when they didn’t advance ACA funding as a separate, stand-alone appropriations bill from the start. When House Speaker Boehner stated that this Congress would operate under “regular order” he should have stated that the House would be de-bundling all legislation into stand-alone pieces, shining the light of truth and accountability on everything that passed across the House floor. Sadly, traditional, inside-the-beltway pork politics prevailed and the practice of bundling legislation to appease the politically greedy has delivered us to this point.

Truth be told, had the political class not blindly followed the Progressive Movement into ratifying the 17th Amendment, none of this would have ever come to pass. But, then, the Commerce Clause wouldn’t have even come close to allowing much of what the Federal government has done that encroaches into our daily lives.

Additionally, if Harry Reid would have operated lawfully, the omnibus appropriations package would have already been legislated, as he is – is – bound by law to have produced a budget by April 15 of each year. He has not done so since before Republicans took control of the House.

The sad, but glaringly true, fact is this. Our government has become too big and too bureaucratic. Our government has manipulated and strayed from the boundaries of the US Constitution, which is a mandated blueprint for limiting government.

Until We the People insist on repealing the 17th Amendment so as to re-employ constitutional protections for the States, and until Congress re-visits the Federal government’s grotesquely over-reaching interpretation of the Commerce Clause, it will be up to the States to save the nation, either by Constitutional Convention (which in and of itself is very dangerous were the original words of the Constitution to be manipulated by the opportunistic) or by, God forbid, secession.

And it is with tears in my eyes for our country; for freedom; for liberty itself, that I acquiesce to the notion. Buy, my God, are we to allow the greatest achievement of freedom in the history of the world be extinguished at the hand of ideological bullies?

The words of Patriot Patrick Henry said so very seriously then, are just as cogent today:

“Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! — I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Frank Salvato

You can read all of Mr. Salvato's news analysis at UndergroundUSA.comFrank Salvato is the executive partner at The CompassPoint Group, LLC. He is the host of The Underground and RightMinded podcasts as heard on iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and anywhere podcasts are heard. He is a national political writer for National File. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His analysis has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, and Accuracy in Media, and is nationally syndicated. Mr. Salvato appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is the author of six books examining internal and external threats facing our country. He can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” radio program syndicated nationally on the Salem Broadcasting Network and Genesis Communications affiliate stations.

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  1. Last night I read an article on “Moneynews” that one Peter Singer – a Princeton University professor – has blamed our founding fathers for this shutdown. I am both astonished and outraged at how completely stupid and intellectually bankrupt the minds of progressive liberals can be! Untermensch singer claims the separation of powers is the fundamental flaw in the Constitution!!!

    They no longer hide their garbage dump mentality in the closet do they?!

    WE have no idea whether singing is just plain ignorant of all the Larceny of Power BIG Fed has committed or if he is intentionally subverting the minds of our youth in his undeserved position in the halls of higher learning! But the fruit is the same evil either way and his a–, like all of the other proggie fools, needs to be collectively tarred and feathered – IF YOU DON’T LIKE OUR COUNTRY “DO THE RIGHT THING” AND LEAVE!!!

    The 2 digit IQ that came up with such an idea completely ignored the glaring reality that THIS government is NOT the Government Jimmy Madison described in the Constitution and blaming him reveals exactly what kind of putz you are, pete!

    I’m sure you would also blame Henry Ford if you wrecked your car!

    WE the PEOPLE are to Blame for this shutdown and all of the confiscation of power we LET BIG Fed rip off!
    We are to blame because we have eaten of the fruit of the TREE of the Knowledge of Progressivism and thought, “we can have freedom and a government that takes care of us TOO!” Whoopee! U-tope-eee-a! Here we come!

    “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” (!!!) – Romans 1:22

    As always, Frank, your writing is an inspiration and a source of hope to me! Education is a requirement to our crusade to save our nation! We the People need to understand the First Principles of our Liberty and embrace, with knowledge, the simplistic truth of our Supreme Law of the Land!

    You bring up an excellent and critical point concerning a Constitutional Convention as there is a growing “hysteria” among the conservatives to initiate one. With the opening of such a convention ALL of the Precepts and Principles and Authorities of the Constitution would be subject to change!! And if Conservatives, Tea Part Patriots and delusional minds on the right think the left is going to just some how not participate they are no wiser than this FOOL singer!

    Our Constitution is a perfect document! It is NOT broken! BIG Fed is broken!!! Restore the Constitution to Government and watch it work like it was intended. J-H-C, wake up to the truth and the facts, people!

    1. Peter Singer also is in favor of infanticide – and multiple nefarious “progressive” movements.

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