Grit and Grace on CDN – October 10th

When: Thursday, October 10th, 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific

Where: Grit and Grace on CDN on Blog Talk Radio

What: Please join Jennifer Meadows and Josh Bernstein every Thursday night from 9 -11 pm Eastern for one of the hardest hitting and content rich Conservative talk shows that takes an honest look at the issues affecting our nation. The Grit & Grace Radio Show promises our listeners no talking points, just real solutions.
~ Grit & Grace Radio Show ~ “Talk radio without talking points…”

Tonight: The Obama administration’s has become Healthcare.crash as Americans get a sneak peak at how utterly disastrous any Government run program can be. We will have the latest.

Has the Government shutdown turned Federal Workers into the Gestapo? Treating WWII veterans like subjects instead of citizens. We will give you details of all the horrible treatments they have been subjected too.

Joe Newby will be with us to discuss all the latest on Anti-Christian tactics against Chaplains as well as more crazy comments from the Looney Left.

Also, the Great Black Hope, Charles Johnson will be with us to discuss how the left has hijacked the Black vote and taken it for granted. Also, Conservative Rapper Nate Smoove will be with us to discuss his new release “What Difference Does it Make” with co-writer Angela Preston.

So please joins us for one of the hardest hitting, content rich two hours on radio!

“Talk Radio without the Talking Points.”


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Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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