Grit and Grace on CDN – October 3rd

When: Thursday, October 3rd, 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific

Where: Grit and Grace on CDN on Blog Talk Radio

What: Please join Jennifer Meadows and Josh Bernstein every Thursday night from 9 -11 pm Eastern for one of the hardest hitting and content rich Conservative talk shows that takes an honest look at the issues affecting our nation. The Grit & Grace Radio Show promises our listeners no talking points, just real solutions.
~ Grit & Grace Radio Show ~ “Talk radio without talking points…”

Tonight: The Government Shutdown continues as Democrats go unhinged as political discourse in Washington hits a new low. We will have the latest.

Also, at 8:30 CST former CIA Economics Analyst and editor in chief of the world renown Forbes Magazine Mark Skousen joins us to discuss Freedom Fest and why it is imperative for the survival of our nation to defend the so called 1%, plus we will ask his opinion on the Government Shutdown.

At 9:pm CST we will have another exciting segment of “On the Corner with Joe Newby” where he will be discussing why the so called party of peaceniks are now advocating violence on anyone who does not agree with them.

Also after 9:pm CST we take calls from all of you! (424)220-1807

Please join us for one of the most action packed, content rich two hours on radio!

“Talk Radio without the talking points”

Listen to internet radio with CDNews Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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