Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch

President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Wednesday, October 6, 2017


President Joe Biden will start his workday at 10:00 a.m. by receiving a briefing from the intelligence community.

In the afternoon, he will host a meeting with business leaders to convince taxpayers to give up more of their paychecks to fund his left-wing spending mess.

President Joe Biden’s Itenerary for 10/6/21

  • 10:00 AM Receive daily briefing
  • 1:00 PM Host a meeting with business leaders who hope to take in trillions of dollars in taxpayer money if Democrats get their way [Live Stream]

White House Briefing Schedule

3:00 PM White House Press Briefing [Live Stream]

Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.

We are providing former President Donald Trump’s schedule to compare and contrast the leadership and work style of the two presidents. The schedules are from the same “day” in the administration, not the same “date”.

Former President Donald Trump’s Schedule This Day in 2017


President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will depart the White House en route to Las Vegas, Nevada via Air Force One.

Later in the morning, the President and the First Lady will arrive in Las Vegas, Nevada to visit with patients and medical professionals, civilian heroes and first responders from the Las Vegas Shooting [Live Stream].

President Trump’s schedule for Wednesday 10/4/17


  • 7:40 AM The president and first lady depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
  • 8:00 AM The president and first lady depart Washington, D.C. en route to Las Vegas, Nevada – Joint Base Andrews


  • 9:30 AM The president and first lady arrive in Las Vegas, Nevada – Las Vegas McCarran International Airport
  • 10:00 AM The president and first lady visit with patients and medical professionals – Las Vegas Hospital
  • 11:50 AM The president and first lady visit with civilian heroes and first responders – Las Vegas Location [Live Stream]
  • 1:10 PM The president and first lady depart Las Vegas, Nevada en route to Washington, D.C. – Las Vegas McCarran International Airport


  • 8:30 PM The president and first lady arrive at the White House – South Lawn

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Nobody has been living in the White House since 1/20/21. The windows are all dark. The helicopter has not flown. There is no press outside the West Wing. All exterior lights go out every night at 11 PM. Biden has not used the Presidential Limousine. The soldiers at Biden’s inauguration had on fake uniforms with no insignias or ranks or medals or ribbons.

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