
Crashing Obama’s Town Hall

How do you “crash” a town hall style meeting? You take a page from Obama’s playbook and do it on Twitter and have the questions “culled” out. Silly me, I was always under the impression that the town hall meeting is about everyone getting to voice their opinions and concerns.

Obama, being the socialist coward that he is, tried to pull off a “town hall meeting” on Twitter. Obama figured if he hid behind the teleprompters and monitors he wouldn’t be faced with or have to answer the hard questions. Enter the Republicans. It is reported that Republicans jumped at the chance and flooded the venue with those afore mentioned questions. There were many Republican members of congress that tried to get our questions answered but only one made it past the ones “culling” out questions.  The one question that made it to Obama was one from none other than House Speaker John Boehner.

John Boehner asked, “After embarking on a record spending binge that left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs?”

Obama replied with a chuckle and said Boehner’s question was “slightly skewed”.

SKEWED? How is that simple question skewed? A sitting president in what many see as the worst economic times since the Great Depression will not answer that simple question that is on many of American minds. The refusal to answer Boehner’s question proves once again that Obama and his administration are way out of touch with the American people.

While many Americans struggle to stay in their homes or to even keep food on the table to feed their families Obama and his family have been jet setting around the world apologizing and kissing the feet of people that would like to see this great nation fold. Obama never has shifted from campaign mode to business mode since winning the election. I will admit he can take a mound of manure and paint a pretty picture with it in his speeches, but now is not the time for speeches, it is time to fix our economy.

During Obamas run for president he used Facebook with great efficiency as a weapon against the Republican candidate. Social media was key in attaining the younger vote to win the election. We know his playbook, now we just have to be aware when he renames each play.

For Obama’s socialist agenda to succeed our economy must be weak enough that government can start taking over the private sector. He has already started the process with General Motors; we cannot afford to let them take over any more.

If taking back our country requires us to “crash” every event held for Obama then that is what we must do. WAKE UP AND STAND UP AMERICA! Now could be the last chance to save this great nation!


For those of you that own firearms, train hard and well and teach those that do not know how.
Be good stewards of the right to bear arms, for we are the last line of defense against tyranny.

-Benjamin Wallace


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