Stand Up to the Obama Administration and Fight Common Core

COLUMBIA, SC, May 30, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — Republican Lieutenant Governor candidate Ray Moore’s first radio ad urges primary voters to send a message to a Republican Party Establishment that he says often “sees conservatives and Christians as a bigger enemy than Democrats.”
“Our culture is decaying and our nation is crumbling. But too often the Republican Party Establishment sees conservatives and Christians as a bigger enemy than Democrats. It’s time to send them a message,” Moore says, opening the ad.
Pointing to one of Moore’s signature issues, education, Moore speaks out on the concerns parents have about Common Core.
“Our public schools have become vehicles of left-wing indoctrination and Common Core threatens to make it worse,” Moore said. “As Lieutenant Governor, I will stand up to the Obama Administration and fight Common Core.”
An announcer makes the case for Moore arguing that a conservative state like South Carolina needs conservative leaders who will fight for conservative values and “stand up for what we believe.”
The sixty-second ad notes Moore’s background as Citadel Graduate, Army Reserve Chaplin, Retired Lieutenant Colonel and Bronze Star Recipient. “Ray Moore stands for Sound Money, Sound Values and a state government that puts taxpayers first,” a nod to Moore’s support for legislation that would allow people to use gold or silver as currency to pay debts.
“Defending our values. Fighting for what is right. Standing up for what we believe,” the announcer closes the ad saying.
Moore is running in the June 10th Republican Primary. The runoff, if necessary, is June 24th. His website is

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