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Why Would Anyone Want To Be A Cop Today?

We live in an upside down society today, what was once wrong is right and what was once right is wrong. Recently a convicted cop killer (I will not use his name) in Pennsylvania was the Commencement speaker at his alma mater Goddard College. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said, “Nobody has the right to continually taunt the victims of their violent crimes in the public square,” Corbett said. He called the school’s choice “unconscionable.” Naturally, the cop killer claims being the victim of a racist justice system, of course killing a cop had nothing to do with his conviction; it was only because he was black.

Now, following the Eric Garner verdict, New York cops can look forward to having their heads examined for “unconscious bias” (a story from the NY Post) by federal thought police Attorney General Eric Holder, a person who sees a racist behind every tree. Federal trainers teach cops not only to think twice about stopping or questioning suspects of color, but also to ignore signs of criminal behavior and threat indicators they’ve learned from years of street experience, that puts their own lives in danger and risks the safety of residents.

In the past five years, Holder has more than doubled the number of police department probes compared with the previous five years, opening more than 20 investigations and pressuring 15 consent orders to stop “biased policing.” The Justice department explained,

“It is not primarily about the ill-intentioned officer but rather the officer who engages in discriminatory practices subconsciously.” So now Holder has become a mind reader.

In a 2012 consent decree, Holder ordered Seattle to soften its use-of-force rules and train brass and rank and file alike in “bias-free” policing that recognizes and eliminates “implicit bias,” while disciplining any conduct tied to it. The result was crime is up in Seattle. Since Holder stepped in, crime is up 13% overall in Seattle. But it’s not just minor infractions, aggravated assaults up 14%, car theft up 44% and murders up 21%. More than 120 Seattle police officers, detectives and sergeants have filed a lawsuit against Holder, claiming his de-biasing order has jeopardized their own safety.

In Las Vegas, police have banned patrol officers from touching African-American suspects during foot chases. Only partners uninvolved in the chase can step in and use force to arrest the fleeing perp. In Fayetteville, NC, where Justice started retraining cops in October, searches of black suspects are no longer allowed even when the suspect gives consent, policing in high-crime neighborhoods is also considered biased against blacks.

I have said many times that I am 100% in favor of profiling, what ever kind it might be, race, gender, age, whatever. Let’s face it, while watching the news or reading the newspaper, 90% of criminals you see are black, so naturally you have to police where the crime is, the link between blacks and crime is statistically strong, blacks commit 53% of all murders and are 10 times more likely to commit violent crimes than whites, it’s just a fact of life that Liberal-Progressives seem to hide their heads in the sand every time the subject comes up.

I am not saying that all cops are Angels, but they have to be given the benefit of the doubt, retraining the police is not the answer, teaching blacks not to be criminals and not to resist arrest is the way to stop all this imaginary bias. By giving blacks a pass on their actions will only embolden them to commit more crimes. Society now considers the police the criminal and the criminal the victim, like I said; we live in an up-side down society.

Here is a true story told by a cop as per the N.Y. Post:

“Eric Garner’s death is tragic, but resisting arrest causes the potential for injury or death to the suspect, police and innocent bystanders,” writes Jeff Fornarotto of New Jersey.

“I was attempting to arrest a 325-pound man, along with two other officers, when he resisted, and I was knocked unconscious. I couldn’t drive for almost a year and had to attend JFK Neuroscience Center to learn how to walk straight again.

“I still suffer from severe headaches, vertigo, short-term memory loss, and have had surgeries on my spine and shoulder. After almost two years of rehab, I had to retire.

“The suspect, after a plea deal, went from a 12-year sentence to 364 days, and served only 10 months. He has been arrested a couple of times since.

“Some justice.”

Maybe the cops who tried to restrain Eric Garner were doing the right thing after all.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.

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This is one man’s opinion.

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