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Immigration Then and Now Part 2-Obama The Great Destroyer

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Rush Limbaugh’s brother David, a highly respected lawyer, wrote a book on Obama few years ago called “The Great Destroyer” How right he was about that title. As I said in my previous blog, Obama was brought up to a hate this country and blames it for all the problems in the world. He is setting out to turn us into a third world socialistic banana republic and eventually a Muslim state I bet with letting77,000  Muslims a year in here.

He has been acting with impunity like a third world dictator by ruling by executive order thus bypassing congress. He did the Bergdahl  trade  without consulting congress, he recently granted amnesty to 5 million illegals without consulting congress and now his latest act which enrages me to no end, that of now granting 353,000 refugees from these war torn and third world countries food stamps along with welfare, free education ,free healthcare and other benefits all paid for by the taxpayer you and me and he intends to fly more here for free.

A joint program between the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security called the In Country Refugee and Parole Program is reuniting children from Central America with their parents or just one parent who is now living in the US. And you get to pay for it.

The US State Department confirmed in a call with reporters earlier this month that US taxpayer dollars are being used to fly illegal aliens into the United States.

And once the arrive in the US they children and families will qualify for free education, food stamps, medical expenses and living expenses.

Recently Rush Limbaugh commented on Obama’s rush to amnesty saying:

The Obama administration is facing new accusations that the president’s amnesty-for-illegals program is focused on getting enough immigrants to  register as Democrat voters to keep his party in power in 2016.

According to J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice attorney who writes at PJ Media, President Obama’s “amnesty by edict has always been about adding new Democrats to the voter rolls, and recent action by the Department of Homeland Security provides further proof.

“Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources away from a computer system – the ‘Electronic Immigration System’ – to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.”

Two comments I recently saw sums Obama and his plans up:

 How much data does one need to figure out that Obama is no more a Christian then Judas Iscariot was. Obama would claim anything if it meant getting votes. His whole life is a fraud.

We don’t even know the guy’s legal name. You see his mother was supposedly married to a guy Barack Hussein Obama Sr and then divorces the guy. Obama only saw the guy once or twice. The guy was a deadbeat drunk and ultimately killed himself in a car wreck(look it up).

Fast forward, Stanley Ann Dunham(no kidding that was his mother’s name … look it up) was remarried to a Lolo Soetoro. They moved to the predominant muslim nation of Indonesia. Obama lived there during him formative years of 6 to 10. Gee I wonder what sort of non-USA worldview he acquired in Indonesia. So did he lose his citizenship? Um unless he knew the future, and given that Indonesia DID not allow for dual citizenship, inquiring minds would like to know. Oh and what became of his legal name?

Barry Soetoro named after his stepfather.

So how exactly does the guy leave his mother at age 10 and arrive back in the USA? Was he even legal. And what alias or name did he go by?

We don’t even know the guys legal name. Explains a lot when your whole life is living in the shadows. Also explains why a supposed Harvard Law grad would take up community organizing in one of the most corrupt cities which DOES not vet.. Chicago.

BobDes • 

Obama knows simple logic and that is to win an election it takes achieving the greatest quantity of votes. It is not important to him of how the votes are gained, “by hook or crook”, or what the unintended consequences will be with achieving a win! What he did not anticipate is the serious debacle Hillary has put herself in so he is now in a panic to capture the illegal immigrant votes by whatever means to offset what Democrats Hillary will lose. Also, what might be lurking in the shadows in Obama’s thinking is if he gains sufficient democratic control he just might be able to pry the door open enough for a third term in the future.

 He is right. There has been a lot of talk lately about here not being any elections and Obama will declare martial law and have a third term. It can’t happen here you say? Only time will tell. When the National Guard was called out in Baltimore they were quick to say this is not martial law. Think about it.

 The real reason for Obama’s executive amnesty

Powdered Wig Society 353,000 refugees now on food stamps, and the number is gr


Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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