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Pro-abortion Backlash: Is Planned Parenthood in the organ trade?

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has posted a youtube video as part of a nearly 3-year-long investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood’s alleged illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts. Pro-life supporters see this as proof that #plannedParenthood was profiting at babies’ expense, but pro-abortionists are fighting back.

CMP’s project Lead David Daleiden states: “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization. Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”

The following is an edited version of the full video. The entire video is linked below.

Many have expected Planned Parenthood to immediately disavow Dr. Nucatola, but instead, they’ve published a statement rebutting the claims of the video and gone heavily on defense on social media:

Statement from Eric Ferrero, Vice President of Communications, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:


“In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.  In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.


“A well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research.  Similar false accusations have been put forth by opponents of abortion services for decades. These groups have been widely discredited and their claims fall apart on closer examination, just as they do in this case.”


Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With approximately 700 health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood organizations serve all patients with care and compassion, with respect and without judgment. Through health centers, programs in schools and communities, and online resources, Planned Parenthood is a trusted source of reliable health information that allows people to make informed health decisions. We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives.

Now it appears that the good doctor’s twitter page has gone missing:

Of course, we still get to hear the classy commentary of the rather beautiful human beings from the pro-abortion crowd:

As for the heavily-edited thing? has the answer:

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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