In The News

Black Walmart Cashier Uses Skin Color To Refuse Service to Officer

A uniformed St. Cloud, FL police officer visited a local Walmart where he was refused service due to skin color.

WFTV9 reported that it wasn’t the officer’s skin color that caused the issue, it was the cashier’s race that caused the incident:

Eyewitness News confirmed the officer walked into the Walmart on 13th Street, grabbed what he needed and then headed for the checkout.

The officer told a friend the cashier pointed to her [black] skin and told them she wouldn’t ring up his items.

Instead of helping, a nearby Walmart employee saw what happened and began laughing.

After some delay, a public outcry against the cashier’s actions moved Walmart to finally take action:

“We value the relationships we have with law enforcement agencies throughout the country and we’ve met with the St. Cloud Police Department to address their concerns.  We want everyone to be treated with respect whether they are in our stores or anywhere in the community. The cashier who was involved in this situation no longer works in our store.”

Recent news stories have reported that restaurant workers have put glass and drugs in the food of police officers. Several stories similar to this one have surfaced where workers refuse service to law enforcement.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Racist! Whites need to speak out against this and hold protest rallies! Whites are discriminated against and the mainstream media should be forced to hear it!

  2. tsk tsk that mean old bad man no doubt started it…..Seriously, this must stop…..Respect starts at home & with self….

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