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Charlotte Sees Peaceful Protests Thursday Night; Curfew Enacted but Not Enforced [Video]

Charlotte experienced a night of peaceful protests that continued well after the midnight curfew.

Charlotte police say that as long as protesters are peaceful, they will monitor them and allow them to protest. If they rob, steal or assault anyone the police will use the curfew as a tool to end the violence.

Earlier in the evening, the protests centered around the police headquarters in uptown Charlotte, NC on E. Trade St.. At first the crowd gathered and chanted “No justice, no peace” and “We want the tape” at the front of the building then moved to the police garage area to continue their protest with fists raised high.

Later the crowd chanted “we love you” at the Mecklenburg County Jail as those incarcerated flashed their cell lights back at the crowd.

Protesters were originally seen wearing colored armbands that showed how far they were willing to go to protest. Red bands were for those that would participate in the march, but had no interest in unlawful activity that might get them arrested. Yellow bands were willing to perform activities that might get them arrested and green bands were those actively seeking arrest.

Video of the marchers:

Ruptly, dark video, no audio most of the time..

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. .
    Stunning Facts Re: the Violence in Charlotte, with George Soros’ Evil DNA All Over It:
    BadBlue News:
    There’s a Black President
    There’s a Black Congressman
    There’s a Black Chief of Police
    There’s a Black District Attorney
    There’s a Black Officer who pulled the trigger
    There’s a Black Mayor until 2014 (Jailed for Corruption)
    There’s a Black Man Dead
    There’s a Black Man very angry on the TV over his death
    in street there that just called me & all White people devils.

    Charlotte police said 70% of arrests Wed night had out-of-state ID. In other words, the “outrage” & violence was largely being orchestrated & manufactured. Officials reported that people were being bussed into the city to riot, which would explain the intensity & speed in which the unruley mob overwhelmed the police force.

    I wonder when George Soros’ long vacation is scheduled for?
    Until he goes on that vacation, people will continue to go on theirs.

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