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In Order To Make America Great Again, Does Donald Trump Need To Sit Out 2024?

The Blue State Conservative

Despite being the only Republican candidate who could have won in 2016, he is currently (in my mind, at least) the only one who could lose in 2024.

 I am a big picture guy. For my money, Donald Trump’s presidency was greatest not for the many policies he enacted, but because of what he represented. I have the words to back it up; in the aftermath of the 2020 election I wrote that “Win Or Lose, Trump Saved America.” I still stand by every word. The movement Trump inspired – arguably one of the greatest conservative revivals in American history – was born of his justified hostility to the corporate media, unabashed love of country, and general fearlessness. He alerted us to the evils of a propagandist media and cocooned D.C ruling class. Jeb wasn’t going to defeat Hillary, let alone spill in the beans on a Bush-family gravy train.

It had to be Trump.

Indeed, the movement kickstarted by Trump is far larger than his fleeting presidency or of the man himself. I wonder if it needs to stay that way.

Setting aside the interview with Candace Owens the other week and the bizarre messaging around his vaccine program, I am struggling more and more with the prospect of a Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2024. Let me count the ways.

First of all, I think conservatives pride themselves on being, among other things, practical. Is it practical if Trump attempts a return to the White House? What is gained exactly by Trump being president, and not, say, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, or another liberty-oriented executive?

Like it or not, Trump’s style of politics turns people off. The same traits that catapulted him to his nomination and ultimate electoral victory in 2016 are, for better or worse, the same traits that likewise prevent otherwise sensible people from voting for him. In my immediate orbit, I can think of twelve people that cast a vote in 2016 that didn’t return in 2020. And that’s only a really immediate orbit; what does this translate to nationwide? Concerns of a rigged election are entirely legitimate, but so too is the fact that registered Republicans and center-right independents sat out the presidential contest. How much of his persona has been generated by the media and how much is a veritable inherent characteristic is moot. People have their minds made up one way or the other. It could very well be that enough people are fed up with Brandon being in the White House to vote for anyone wearing a red tie, so there is that.

The other big problem with Donald Trump as a politician, as opposed to a kingmaker, is that his ability to provide clear, concise, and meaningful rhetoric is a glaring weak spot. Yes, the confidence and the attack-first mentality play well in soundbites and make me proud to have a rare patriot in the White House, but played longer and those off-script soundbites start to sound erratic and uninformed. Donald Trump is a very savvy individual, but explaining complex and nuanced ideas is not one of his fortes. That’s not a dig, either. That’s just a reality. As the left continues its relentless encroachment on American values and ways of life, we need a leader who can identify, name, and provide a pinpointed solution to the problem. If the conservative movement wishes to attract new voters, it will have to appeal to a different voter wavelength. Can Trump do that?


There are then other practical concerns. Is Trump immortal? Doubtful. Should he run and win in 2024, his single term would conclude with him being 82 years old. He’s obviously more vibrant than Biden at a similar age, but anyone with parents or grandparents knows that sudden declines are, unfortunately, not rare. What then? Rather than have established a youthful two-term prospect like DeSantis, the Republican Party would suddenly be running its 2028 hopeful on a (more than likely) less-than-desirable vice president. Not only would Trump be gone, but his movement could similarly evaporate. Conversely, by playing the role of kingmaker Trump would both be passing the torch and cheerleading. His movement could gain its own momentum during his lifetime.

There is finally the practical concern that a Trump rerun would be as much for his personal ego as it is his beloved country. That’s not a fatal flaw, but it would sully the attempt. If Donald Trump did love America, and it seems obvious he does, then at what point does recusal go ahead of running? Any Trump campaign would signal, among other things, that he is as much interested in himself and his legacy as he is this country.

Like all historical figures, Trump is no doubt concerned with his legacy. His presidency was great in many ways, and certainly hampered by a lying fake news media and the resultant mass formation psychosis (phrased contemporarily as Trump Derangement Syndrome). At the same time, he had his shot. He made bad cabinet appointments and likely underestimated the extent of the Deep State, but did he overhaul anything drastically? As far as I can tell, the Department of Education still exists. That needs to go. There isn’t a tough or reformed immigration policy. That needs to happen. There is rampant abuse of our federal money printer. That’s on him as much as Biden. Can Trump deliver the critical changes we all need? I am open to it, but his previous presidency simply doesn’t suggest so. He loves America on principle; now we need a president who understands how to act on that love.

Asked again, what is gained by a Trump presidency that could not be gained by a non-Trump presidency? If he runs he knows he has my vote. Right now, though, I’d like to consider voting for someone else. Maybe, just maybe, he’d be willing to cast a ballot for someone else, too.

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

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  1. I totally agree with the above. If not for his rhetoric and lack of fineness, I would have gladly voted for him again in 2024.
    I wish he will stand behind whoever is elected to represent the Republican party for US presidency 2024.

  2. You say: “What is gained exactly by Trump being president”?
    I say: The look on Nancy Pelosi’s face!

    I can wait another few years for Ron DeSantis. We like him in Florida. I believe he will definitely have his day in the sun and I look forward to it. I think he is extremely bright, measures before he speaks, would be overall good for the country, and that it’s only a matter of time.

    One thing is certain. Three more years of this circus is going to be seriously deleterious.

  3. Curious if Padmini has buyer’s remorse? In name of your sensitive sensibilities you voted this travesty nonsense?!?! Shame on you!
    I was never a big MAGA person, but I could smell the bull dung miles away with this clown car. Why do you think they have us all wearing masks?

    Please vote more responsibly. Your bad decisions are ruining the country.

  4. Totally agree with this article. We had Trump when this country needed him and the principles he stood for. We don’t need his rhetoric, personal attacks and divisiveness. He needs to advise other conservative candidates, promote our constitutional republic and get out of the limelight.

  5. Spot on with all points. Trump did more than any man could possibly due to expose the depth and insidiousness of the Deep State, accomplishing an incredible amount under impossible circumstances. However, because of his personality and his constant acrimony he will never win the vote of many independents and, now, potential crossover Democrats. Someone with his guts, resolve and tenacity; who can speak with clarity, precision and vision is what will be needed going forward. God bless President Trump but DeSantis is the man who can bring American back in 2024.

  6. Parker, I suspect you’ve written what many others are thinking, I also have asked my self many of these same questions and agree with you.EXCEPT that we NEED him, perhaps more than ever.
    Here’s why……..He is the only one with sharp elbows & isn’t afraid to use them. He will do what ever it takes to get the job done. Yes, he is crude and often obnoxious. So What? The office of President doesn’t need Harvy Milktoast serving up cookies and tea. It would be wonderful if we could find someone individual with all of the qualities we want…(but then it would be wonderful if hubby would pick up his dirty socks) “It ain’ta gonna happen” He was banged around for four years and is human enough to want revenge and we can expect that he will throw a left hook when given the occassion. We know he’ll go after the Pelosi’s & Schumer’s. GREAT!


    The unavoidable concern of his age…..Teamed up with a DeSantis would offfer a great ddeal of balance and soothe voters.

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