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Chuck Schumer Unhinged: Yells “She Voted For Trump” at dining couple

Has Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer finally lost it? 

While dining at New York City’s Sette Mezzo, an Upper East Side restaurant, Senator Chuck Schumer reportedly went berserk because the wife of a well-respected democrat voted for Trump.

Joseph Califano, Jr, who served in the Johnson and Carter administrations, was dining with his wife Hillary on Sunday night when the Minority leader lost his cool.

Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

It’s only slightly surprising that Schumer didn’t follow them for a few blocks yelling “SHAME!  SHAME!  SHAME” ad nauseam in typical snowflake fashion.

Senator Schumer’s spokesperson said, ““[Schumer] and his wife ate at the café on Sunday, engaging in unremarkable conversation with patrons who approached their table. There were no heated exchanges with ‎anyone.”

Schumer was dining with friends who likely are the singular anonymous source for Schumer’s claim that the Califano’s came to his table and all was cozy.

Another diner insists that Califano and his wife approached Sen. Schumer’s table. The diner said, “It was a pleasant conversation. Joe said the senator was doing a good job on health care. Joe joked that Hilary voted for Trump. The conversation continued outside because everyone left at the same time.”

Multiple pieces of information in the report put the spokesperson’s comments and the account by “another diner” in doubt: he wasn’t just dining with his wife and Hillary Califano has confirmed the unhinged Schumer account.

Hilary confirmed the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude . . . He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”

It is quite easy to envision Senator Schumer going moonbat crazy on someone considering the illogical and dangerous opposition the minority leader has held against the incredibly qualified Judge Neil Gorsuch. People can’t even eat dinner without him filibustering them.


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. What a wretched man. I guess people with that last name are just gross. Amy Schumer certainly is. Typical Left Wing overly emotional stupidity.

      1. Perhaps within his own family is the only place he could find a person willing to put up with him. Sort of keep it in the family.
        What helps me to be comfortable with the President Trump administration is the knowledge that he has to be the most vetted president to ever sit in the Oval Office. Considering the last POTUS we the people no nothing about. Did he go the school as a foreign exchange student? Did he ever posses an Indonesian passport? Just how, “Flexible after the election,” was he? Giving rise to the Crimea being annexed by the his buddy Vladimir and scrutiny should be lent to Russia’s rant in Syria. All in all I would think that is extremely flexible. The next question is, what did President Obama get in return? Perhaps the uranium deal was wider received than thought.
        In view of all the above plus, “Fast and Furious” along with special treatment the IRS gave conservative organizations seeking tax exempt status not to mention Hilarygate, shouldn’t someone call for an investigation. I really believe the people have a right to know.

  2. Per the NYTimes article on said restaurant (New York City’s Sette Mezzo) George Soros is a regular! Hummm….do I smell collusion with Chuck Schumer?

  3. Brings to mind when Vice-President Pence was heckled at the broadway play and is another example of how totally out of control some of these anti-Trump people are!

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