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What Obama doesn’t understand about the American entrepreneur

Our President bemoans those with means. Unfortunately, he doesn’t even understand what “means” means or what a “job” really is.

When was the last time our commander-in-chief decided not to cash his own paycheck so that his employees could cash theirs? I did that just two weeks ago and will likely do it again in the near future.

When was the last time the President paid a plumbing company to clear out an old sewage system so that his customers had functioning bathrooms while holding off on cashing that paycheck too?

Running a business looks nothing like the hired-in, vogue-hair, Armani suit things you see on television. Small business is down-in-the-weeds, making sacrifices, trying to make payroll and “hope that check cashes” kinda stuff.

Anyone that has ever run a small business with employees knows what it means. It isn’t luck – it’s sacrifice. Something the Obama’s know nothing about with their celebrity bashes, all-star parties and tax-payer funded vacations. Small business owner’s don’t get any of that, we just get bills, responsibilities, regulations and taxes.

Entrepreneurs have to navigate federal tax forms, state tax forms, unemployment insurance forms, worker’s compensation applications, insurance audits, EPA permits, OSHA inspections, ATF audits, city permitting and more.

America was built on the idea that we could risk it all and become so much more. Obama believes that by some miracle, no one should have to risk anything but should be gauranteed success – that’s just not realistic, common sense or any other term he tends to use to push his nonsensical initiatives.

Unicorns don’t exist Mr. President, it’s time to realize that we’ll all need to actually work to make our wishes come true and to make our nation stronger.

Most of the pile of crap small business owners deal with on a daily basis has NOTHING to do with selling their products. The government makes everything you buy cost more because store owners have to expend resources to deal with this stuff. It is “common-sense” math – government costs too much.

President Obama doesn’t understand the American economy because he’s never had to be a part of it – not as an employee and certainly not as an employer. If we want to see the employment situation get better, we should probably have someone else leading us. Until then, anyone that voted for him should just hang their heads and say “I’m sorry” to those of us actually sacrificing every, single day.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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