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Trump has now rolled back more regulations than all presidents combined

Cleanup On Aisle America - A.F. Branco political cartoon

President Trump signed four bills into law Monday that rolled back unfair regulations outdoing his predecessors in limiting the size and scope of the federal government.

The president signed four bills yesterday:

  • S.J. Res. 34 which disapproves of the FCC regulations that would have imposed new privacy standards on Internet service providers, allowing bureaucrats in Washington to pick winners and losers in the industry — we’ve discussed that before
  • H.J Resolution 83, which disapproves of a Department of Labor regulation extending the statute of limitation for claims against employers failing to maintain records of employee injuries
  • H.J. Res. 69, the disapproval of the Bureau of Land Management regulations that would limit Alaska’s ability to manage hunting of predators on national wildlife refuges in Alaska
  • H.R. 1228 which makes technical amendments to the appointment procedures of members to the Board of Congressional Compliance

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Tuesday that the president’s deregulatory pace is historic.

“The President has signed 12 congressional review acts,” Spicer said. “In the past, all Presidents combined had signed one. So I think we have a vastly different attempt to roll back regulatory reforms that are standing in the way of freedom as well as business development.”

Spicer is correct.

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) was enacted as part of the “Contract with America” in 1996 and empowered Congress to review, by means of an expedited legislative process, new federal regulations issued by government agencies and to overrule a regulation by way of a joint resolution.

Prior to Donald Trump becoming president, the CRA had only been used six times and only once successfully.

George W. Bush signed a CRA in 2001 eliminating an ergonomics rule submitted by the labor department.

Congress passed five CRA’s against the Obama administration, but all were vetoed by the democrat president.

While Congress’ submission of CRA to the president ultimately decides the pace at which they could be signed, Trump’s is likely driving this unprecedented pace.

If Congress continues to review and find lacking more regulatory overreach, the president seems very willing to help them cross the finish line.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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