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Bill O’Reilly Joins Beck’s Radio Show

Bill O’Reilly will join Glenn Beck for a weekly spot during Beck’s radio show on “The Blaze”.

O’Reilly announced the news on his Monday “No Spin News” podcast saying “We’re going to do that every Friday until Beck gets tired of me.”

The exact format wasn’t lined out, but it sounds as if Bill will go on Beck’s 3-hour show as a regular guest. O’Reilly had done something similar for Beck after he left Fox in 2011.

O’Reilly’s appearances on Beck’s show will keep him visible and help Beck’s outlet recover after the loss of top host Tomi Lahren. Before leaving Fox News on April 19, O’Reilly was the top-rated host on cable news. He has since launched a far less lucrative podcast on his website.

Bill is looking forward to the Friday appearances.

“It’s a good outlet for me to, you know, discuss things back and forth with Beck, who’s a good friend. We don’t agree on everything, but it’s very lively.”

The new arrangement has led to speculation that Bill will join “The Blaze” with his own show.  Beck said he’d be in favor of the idea.

“I would like you to work for TheBlaze,” Beck said. “I could not get the cable coverage by myself because I’m not powerful enough unless you have a giant corporation behind you. If we could unite our powers for good, as opposed to evil — but that’s another conversation.”

Beck has been supportive of O’Reilly since allegations of sexual misconduct forced Bill out at Fox News.

“[O’Reilly] had access to very beautiful women. We never saw him utter a word that was even blue humor. He was so buttoned up when he was around us, I find these charges hard to believe,” Beck said.

Many believe the network’s decision not to defend O’Reilly was part of Lachlan and James Murdoch’s strategy to moderate Fox News’ prime-time lineup. The cable news giant’s ratings have suffered under the new strategy.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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