Colin Kaepernick May Have Ended His NFL Career With This One Tweet

Whatever slim chances remained for Colin Kaepernick to catch on with a new NFL team just evaporated after the former San Francisco 49er unleashed an ugly cop-hating, racist tweet on Friday.

The NFL’s most toxic player’s career was already hanging by a thread after he chose to put himself before his teammates and employers by staging protests against the national anthem last season, trashing the cops and praising Fidel Castro before a game in Miami.

While teams have spent nearly the entire offseason filling their open quarterback positions with the likes of Ryan Fitzpatrick, Mike Glennon, Brian Hoyer, Geno Smith, Blaine Gabbert and Austin Davis, Kaepernick has been left untouched.

This has triggered accusations of racism and blackballing from the usual grievance mongers although the failure to mention another unemployed QB in Robert Griffin III – who is also black – is a testament to their hypocrisy and ignorance.

Now it appears that Kaepernick has personally yanked the flush chain on his own career when he weighed in on the acquittal of the police officer who shot black motorist Philando Castile during a traffic stop in 2016 and it was ugly.

According to the NFL’s most visible militant, the police are now the equivalent of runaway slave catchers. This is a heck of an escalation on his infamous pig socks attire and marks the point of no return for Kaepernick who just crossed the Rubicon.

There is just no way to downplay the offensive and racist nature of this tweet, it is exactly who this guy is and it only puts an exclamation point upon why every NFL team with a quarterback opening has avoided him like the Ebola virus.

In terms of career suicide, Kaepernick has been playing a game of Russian roulette ever since last July and on Friday he finally pulled the trigger on a loaded chamber.

It was already hard to see the divisive malcontent latching on with any team for 2017 but the lobbying has been fierce and there was always the possibility of a devastating preseason injury to a starter that would open the door for him.

He just nailed that door shut.

After his latest trashing of the cops and the racist connotations of the tweet, this guy won’t be able to get an NFL job sweeping up the stadium benches after games although he will now be elevated to official martyrdom with the lunatic left.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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  1. It would be good to update his list of phone numbers, individuals and groups that he can call in case he gets robbed or shot. Surely he wouldn’t call a filthy rotten cop.

  2. This all started last year because he is a little kid needing attention. He wasn’t getting the spot light being benched so he jumped on the “black lives matter” band wagon to get that attention. There is a time and a place for everything, not showing respect to our national anthem is not the right time. I served in THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS and it really pissed me off when he refused to stand. The issues with cops killing black, brown, yellow, white or green people has nothing to do with football and zero reason to disrespect out nation and those who have served it. And this big chain of want a bee’s now talking crap about the United States being so bad , it’s easy, if you don’t like it here move to what other country you think is better. Because this new generation thinks it’s cool to burn our flag and talk shit about our country cause everyone is doing it to be cool. Well don’t do it in front of me or any other Marine cause you will be waking up in the hospital. So back to the topic, I’ve come across many racial cops in my times who pulled more over just cause I’m not white in a white neighborhood. I was even in my Marine Corps dress blues. Was told I didn’t belong on that area so I know there are bad cops out there but there are good ones too. Just find the right time and place to pick your fights…

  3. You cave n!@@ers are arrogant fools. The slave catchers and police are one in the same. You cave n!@@ers built this country on the tenets of racism. Anglo apes are notorious liars. You mayonnaise monkeys should have never been let out of the caves of Europe.

  4. Cave n!@@ers will be driven to p!ss, sh!t and blood! These monsters, freaks and savages were breeding in their own p!ss and sh!t in the caves of Europe. Nothing of any earthly good could come from such a vile environment.

  5. Cave n!@@er on cave n!@@er violence is an epidemic in America, yet all we hear is the racist mantra of black on black crime. You Neanderthal apes will die by the fate of your own hands. You will be cannibalized by your own violent nature. They should have never been let out of the caves of Europe.

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