Dianne Feinstein Calls for Probe Into Loretta Lynch Over Clinton Email ‘Matter’

Octogenarian Democrat Dianne Feinstein is following up her demands for another tribunal to examine whether President Trump obstructed justice with something so bizarre that one has to wonder if she’s been drinking.

During an appearance on the Sunday morning blabfest CNN’s “State of the Union”, California’s senior senator showed that she was a team player by defending former FBI Director James Comey but also found herself in a tight spot due to the showboat’s Thursday testimony.

During the weeklong festival of Comey worship and the disappointment after the tall man failed to deliver a fatal blow against Trump, he let it slip that he felt “queasy” over the actions of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

DiFi was forced to acknowledge that Trump isn’t the only one who is being accused of obstruction of justice but also Lynch who was protecting Mrs. Clinton and acting as a DNC operative rather than the nation’s top law enforcement official.

According to Politico “Feinstein: Congress should probe whether Lynch provided cover for Clinton”:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Sunday said Congress should look into former FBI Director James Comey’s revelation that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to downplay the nature of his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, Comey said Lynch had asked him to refer to the probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation, an exchange that he said made him feel queasy.

Asked whether Lynch was providing cover for Clinton, Feinstein said she couldn’t answer.

“I would have a queasy feeling too, though, to be candid with you,” she said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to know more about that, and there’s only one way to know about it, and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.”

But Feinstein emphasized that this investigation should be separate from the one into potential ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia.

“I don’t think we should mix the two,” the California senator said.

Senator Feinstein’s suggestion illustrates how Democrats have painted themselves into a corner over their lovefest with Comey.

This is the same man who the majority of them vilified for his conduct during the Clinton email investigation including many calls for his resignation. Once the words came out of Comey’s mouth expressing his misgivings over Lynch, the Dems had to acknowledge it or look like hypocrites conducting a politically motivated witch hunt – which they are.

Whether any review of Lynch is forthcoming is questionable, she has to this point managed to fly under the radar over the efforts of Obama officials to sabotage and later, overthrow Trump. One question that was never asked of Comey is why didn’t he keep memos about his discussions with Lynch, especially after the notorious meeting onboard an airplane with Bill Clinton in Phoenix.

There are some very serious questions that Lynch has to answer about the conduct of her Justice Department and it would be more appropriate to keep it out of the Senate and away from the political hacks by appointing a special counsel on the D.O.J. and the Clinton email matter.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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  1. You know there’s something there when a Democrat wants to investigate a Democrat.

  2. At least she is talking about it (no love lost for her on my behalf) But I guess it’s hard to ignore.Did anyone else report this? I’m curious.

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