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OANN Pulls job offer to Bill O’Reilly

Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has announced that he is working on a video project. Many thought he would turn to right-leaning One America News Network, but they have recently revealed that a deal is no longer in the offing.

The video project appears to be a 30-minute version of “The Factor” that will be hosted on his pay-to-access website.

“But I am starting my own operation,” O’Reilly told fans at a recent “The Spin Stops Here” live show. “We will go into a studio and here it will look like ‘The Factor.’” O’Reilly said that the new show should be available in September in “a robust form.”

His show on Fox News was the #1 in its timeslot and in among all cable news shows. Changes at the network have cost Fox News its spot at the top of the news ratings.

Can a single 30-minute show pull in the viewers his hour-long spot on FNC did? Not likely, but he has loyal fans that may just pay to see him in a Factor-esque setting.

“The Young Turks” has shown that the model can be successful as they host a progressive political show on YouTube. RSBN has similarly been successful from the Conservative angle.

O’Reilly has hinted that he may be looking to partner with any network that jumps in to fill the void left by Fox’s leftward shift.

“I suspect there will be another network maybe merging with us,” O’Reilly surmised. “There will be a network that rises up because the numbers for Fox are going down.”

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. I love One America News! They already have the great Ledger Report, and IMO Bill O would not have been a good fit. Not at all.

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