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Pack Your Bags Fatso: Michael Moore Refuses to Live in a Country Where Trump is President

Unhinged liberal propagandist and self-styled resistance leader Michael Moore continues his jihad against the legitimately elected President of the United States.

One of the left’s biggest hypocrites (literally), the porcine Moore oozed into a chair on one of the sets of the late-night talk shows that have become the Democratic party’s useful tools to poison the minds of their armies of useful idiots.

Moore sat down with Late Show host Stephen Colbert on Wednesday where he made the bold statement that he refuses to live in a country where Donald Trump is the POTUS.

Via The Daily Caller “Michael Moore: ‘I Refuse To Live In A Country Where’ Trump Is President”:

Michael Moore says that he refuses “to live in a country where Donald Trump is president.”

“I refuse to live in a country where Donald Trump is president and I’m not leaving,” the 63-year-old filmmaker said during his appearance Wednesday night on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

“So somethings gotta change,” he added. “We have to form an army of citizens and come at him like a swarm of bees where he’s hit one way, all the way. Because I think the way to bring him down is with satire.”

“His thin skin, as you’ve pointed out so well, is so thin,” he continued. “All we need is like a thousand or a million little comedy shivs–just, you know, non-violent, don’t hurt him, but just under his skin. Because he can’t take being laughed at.”

The filmmaker also went after the president after Trump announced via Twitter that the “United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals” to serve in the military.

“What’s so disgusting about this…if you are transgender trying to get by in this society…I can’t think of any more brave people to have then transgender,” Moore explained, adding that those reportedly serving in the military should refuse to leave.

Like most liberals who are losing their shit over Trump’s military tranny ban tweet, Moore never served.

It’s too bad that loudmouth celebrities who vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected didn’t just get the f*ck out, they are all spineless hypocrites and Moore is just another one of them.

He has millions of dollars made off of selling books and anti-capitalist propaganda movies to liberal suckers, more than enough to make good on his promise and buy a home on the French Riviera or somewhere.

Let the door not hit him in his fat ass on the way out.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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One Comment

  1. “I refuse to live in a country where Donald Trump is president and I’m not leaving,” the 63-year-old filmmaker said during his appearance Wednesday night on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”
    That sounds pretty hypocritical right there. I never liked Michael Moron and can’t stand Colbert.I never thought he was funny at all. He should thank Trump for getting in office because before the election they were about to drop him,He is so unfunny.
    Moore says Trump is thin skinned and doesn’t like to be made fun of.When trump was on SNL it was the highest ratings they had in four years. I’ve seen Michael Moore when he’s confronted by conservatives and he folds like a cheap camera.

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