White House Watch

Watch: President Trump visits California areas scorched by wildfires

On Saturday, President Donald Trump visited areas of California decimated by the historic wildfires burning in the state.

First, Trump made a statement to the press pool just before boarding Marine One.

“So we’re going to California. We’re making two stops,” the president told reporters. “And it’s a shame; it seems that many more people are missing than anyone thought even possible. And I want to be with the firefighters and the FEMA and first responders.”It seems that many more people are missing than anyone thought possible.”

He then took questions on the murder of a columnist in Turkey by Saudi agents, the Migrant Mob headed for the U.S.-Mexico border, Nancy Pelosi, and a fake story on Mike Pence’s loyalty.

President Trump, Governor Jerry Brown, Governor-elect Gavin Newsome and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke to reporters aboard Air Force One en route to California.

Trump then spoke from Paradise, California, a town that was almost completely destroyed by a wildfire last week.

Governor Jerry Brown, FEMA Director Brock Long and President Trump also spoke at a briefing that was held with FEMA and first responders.

“This is probably the worst disaster that I’ve seen in my career,” Long said. “FEMA is on the ground. I’ve been here since Tuesday making sure that we have full situational awareness.”

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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