
President Obama calls Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu

From The White House:


Readout of the President’s call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu:

President Obama called Prime Minister Netanyahu today to discuss the P5+1’s first step agreement with Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear program.  The two leaders reaffirmed their shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  The President noted that the P5+1 will use the months ahead to pursue a lasting, peaceful, and comprehensive solution that would resolve the international community’s concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program.  Consistent with our commitment to consult closely with our Israeli friends, the President told the Prime Minister that he wants the United States and Israel to begin consultations immediately regarding our efforts to negotiate a comprehensive solution.  The President underscored that the United States will remain firm in our commitment to Israel, which has good reason to be skeptical about Iran’s intentions.  The President and Prime Minister agreed to stay in close contact on this issue as the P5+1 and Iran negotiate a long-term solution over the next six months.

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  1. Obama sent ‘our’ negotiators to the highly publicized talks armed with white flags and gifts that make the ‘Hope’ Diamond pale in comparison. Resulting in a ‘deal’ reminiscent of Daniel Webster’s “Deal with the Devil”….Obama’s make nice call to Bebe (Netanyahu) was caca de toro & everyone knows it. He and his yahoos treatment of Israel has been despictable from the the beginning…..Maybe we should all take our 2nd Amendments & fly to Israel & stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends….Dana Perino told their Ambassador to the UN that not all Americans agreed with this so called agreement. Kudos Dana!!

    Cindi, since we seem to be the lone consistants these days, let’s just grab a couple of bottles of Jack, meet halfway & gossip about the others…:)

    1. Jan, I like your idea!! 😉 We gotta keep fighting the good fight, right?!

      Ok, so… I have written several articles on Israel over the years… but I am thinking it is time I write another. The Genesis 12:3 Foreign Policy.

      “I will bless those who bless you,
      and I will curse those who curse you.
      I will use you to bless
      all the people on earth.”

      Obama is on a collision course. Whether he believes it or not, God Almighty holds all the cards in HIS hands! This WILL NOT bode well for Obama! He is not the first president to go against Israel, in fact, he is just the latest in a long line of past presidents who have pressured Israel to divide her land. However, Obama is the one president who has turned his back on Israel. NOT a good place to be, I’m afraid!

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