Governor John Kasich Invites ALL Dreamers to Move to Ohio

Celebrity moonbat Cher’s mansion may not be big enough to house all of the Dreamers but the state of Ohio is and they have just been formally invited by the Buckeye State’s governor.

John Kasich, the stubborn former Republican presidential candidate and a man who is seen by many as a primary challenger against the incumbent POTUS Donald Trump in 2020, has rolled out the red carpet to the estimated 800,000 people affected by the quashing of Barack Obama‘s DACA.

Via The Hill “Kasich offers home for Dreamers in Ohio”:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich said that Dreamers are welcome to come to Ohio, while slamming Trump’s decision to cancel the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“If the dreamers want to go somewhere and live, come to Ohio,” he said.

“We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio because we know how much they contribute to America,” he said on “CBS This Morning” Wednesday.

Kasich added that his decision “is not the America that we all love,” and that Trump’s decision to cancel the DACA program is putting the Dreamers in jeopardy.

“I wouldn’t be in America if it wasn’t for immigration,” he said. “Who knows, maybe I’d be the president of Croatia.”

Governor Kasich resorts to throwing down the immigration card in reference to his own family, one of the most cynical ploys outside of misleading Americans that ALL of the Dreamers are children but this is a man who has not an iota of shame in his body.

While Kasich as the President of Croatia is a very nice thought the thought of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers flooding into Ohio probably wouldn’t sit well with the people who already live there as social services would be drained and their wages would be undercut by cheap labor.

Not that Kasich cares about being reelected governor though, his eye is on the national prize that eluded him in 2016.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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  1. People don’t realize that if Trump wanted to he could start deportations on Monday ,but he is giving congress six months to make DACA legal and these people can become citizens since Obama did it by executive order and we are a society of laws.

  2. Kasich is part of the swamp he needs to be defeated in the next round and thrown out of the Republican party as there is place for such idiots in the party.

  3. 800,000 Daca people will turn into 3 to 4 million by the time they bring in all their family though chain migration.

  4. How can Kasich be considered a serious challenger in 2020 when He only won 1 primary in 2016? No one wants him.

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