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Joe Biden Confirms his “Contempt” for the American People with his Hunter Biden Pardon

In an interview with ABC News’ David Muir in Normandy, [Joe] Biden [unequivocally] “ruled out pardoning Hunter if convicted”.

ABC News, June 7, 2024

I’ve been very clear; the president is not going to pardon his son [Hunter].

White House Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, July 24, 2024

We’ve been asked that question [whether Joe Biden would pardon Hunter Biden] multiple times.  Our answer stands, which is “No”.’ 

Karine Jean-Pierre, Dec. 2, 2024

Today I signed a pardon for my son Hunter. From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making and I kept my word.

Joe Biden, Dec. 2, 2024

[Immediately after Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter was announced] Netizens blasted Biden and his administration in the comment section of the above video. “It’s crazy we knew this was coming. They just lie lie lie, and then just do the exact thing they said they weren’t gonna do…

The Hindustani Times, Dec. 2, 2024

My son [Hunter] has not made money … what are you talking about, China? … the only guy who made money from China is [Donald Trump].  Nobody else has made money from China.

Joe Biden, response to Kristen Welker’s question whether his son Hunter had done anything unethical with China, Aug. 1, 2023

Give me a break, man! (as Biden walks away from reporters)

Biden’s response to a reporter’s question whether his family’s business dealings with China “compromise” his ability to deal with China over Covid virus, Fentanyl entering the US, Chinese spy balloon over the US, etc., NDTV.com, Feb. 17, 2023

My partner was associated with a Chinese energy company called CEFC, … [where I earned $664,000].

Hunter Biden, July 27, 2023

[Maryland Democrat] Rep. [James] Raskin omitted material facts that Robinson Walker, LLC received a $3 million wire from a Chinese company in March 2017—less than two months after VP Biden left public office—and that Walker then transferred over a million dollars to various bank accounts associated with the Bidens ….  To correct Raskin’s disinformation …, we provide a synopsis of some of the payments from the Walker accounts to the Biden family [documented in this report].

Committee on House Oversight and Accountability Report, March 16, 2023

Money from China [has been] traced to Joe Biden’s Bank Account Unrelated to Actual Business

Wall Street Journal, Dec. 1, 2023

Biden refuses to take questions over China after [Chinese spy balloon over the United States] “balloon statement.”

The Independent (London), Feb. 17, 2023

Joe Biden has lied from start to finish about his family’s corrupt influence peddling activities. Not only has he falsely claimed that he never met with his son’s foreign business associates and that his son did nothing wrong, but he also lied when he said he would not pardon Hunter Biden. The charges Hunter faced were just the tip of the iceberg in the blatant corruption that … the Biden Crime Family have lied about to the American people.  It’s unfortunate that, rather than come clean about their decades of wrongdoing, President Biden and his family continue to do everything they can to avoid accountability.

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) statement on President Biden’s pardoning his son, Hunter Bide, Dec. 1, 2024

This [pardon of Hunter recalls] the same kind of familial action taken by Bill Clinton when he pardoned his brother in his final days of office.  And it also shows a degree of contempt for the American people.  This is a president who didn’t just lie about speaking to his son’s business associates or being in meetings with them.  He lied repeatedly when he was a candidate for re-election.  He was asked repeatedly whether he would meet his son’s [Hunter’s] business partner and he repeatedly denied he would do that.  He has now violated that pledge.

Liberal GWU Law professor Jonathan Turley, Dec. 1, 2024

You [think] the shepherd fattens the sheep [for] the good [of the sheep] and not [his own] good … and you further imagine that the rulers of states [presidents, etc.] … never think of their subjects as sheep, and that they [never pursue] their own advantage day and night? … [T]he unjust [person] is [in fact] lord over the just [person]: he is the stronger and his subjects [must] minister to his happiness, [not to] their own [happiness]. … The just [person] is always a loser in comparison with the unjust.  … [T]he unjust [person] always has more and the just [person] less.

Plato, Republic, Book I

After Joe Biden and his spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre have repeatedly stated over the years that Joe would not pardon his son Hunter Biden for his gun and tax charges, Biden, immediately, and shamelessly, right after the 2024 election, pardons his son Hunter issuing an Orwellian justification that he has “kept his word” that he “would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making.”  Actually, no! That’s exactly what Biden just did.

And not only did Joe Biden pardon Hunter for the gun and tax charges, he gave him an “unconditional” pardon for any crimes whatsoever that Hunter may have committed for almost 11 years.  What other crimes is Joe worried about?  It’s a shame the peasants can’t get this kind of deal.  How nice of Joe to expose two-tier Injustice System so clearly.   

In issuing the pardon, Biden also helped to frustrate the American people’s right to know what involvement he himself had in the Biden family corruption.  How convenient for him!   His pardon of Hunter is also a selfish act to protect himself.

Joe Biden looked Americans right in the face, and sent his spokesperson Jean-Pierre out there to do the same, and repeatedly shamelessly lied to them about the pardon.  This follows a long series of Joe Biden lies about his family’s business dealings with China and other of the America’s enemies, dealings and lies that may well have compromised US national security.  When asked about these cases, not only did Joe Biden lie but, even while they fill their family coffers with foreign money at the expense of the American people, they often responded contemptuously that any of the peasants should even deign to ask anyone of their greatness a question about these issues.  Who do you sheep think you are to ask a question about the high moral character and principles of the great “Big Guy”!

Obviously, the Bidens believe they can get away with this because they know that what’s left of our “news” media will do their best to cover for them.  They certainly did not get the “Trump treatment” from a suddenly astonishingly incurious media.

Finally, since three of the Democrats main claims are that no one is above the law, that the gun laws must be obeyed, and that everyone must pay their fair share of taxes, Joe Biden has with this pardon undermined future Democrat arguments in such cases.  When the average citizen is told they should obey gun and tax laws, they can now reply that that if Hunter did not have to obey them then neither should they.  Joe Biden, by this single selfish act, has undermined both the rule of law in the United States and his own Party’s future political fortunes, not that he cares in the least. 

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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One Comment

  1. As always a suscinct sumary of the unfortunate facts about the Liar in Chief lying to us all. What will come out next? Thank you Richard. Great article.

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